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US-131 interchange expansion underway in Kalamazoo

Fast facts:

  • Two new ramps will expand the US-131 interchange with US-131 Business Route (BR) to a full interchange.
  • The $19 million project will add new ramps and bridges from northbound US-131 to US-131 BR, and from US-131 BR to southbound US-131.
  • The expanded interchange will improve access for residents and businesses from US-131.

KALAMAZOO, Mich. - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and contractor Anlaan Corp. have begun work to expand the US-131 interchange with US-131 Business Route (BR) north of Kalamazoo, adding new ramps from northbound US-131 to US-131 BR, and from US-131 BR to southbound US-131.

The $19 million investment began earlier this week and will improve US-131 access for residents and businesses. Each of the new ramps will require a new bridge; that work is expected to be completed in November.

There will be single-lane closures on US-131 and US-131 BR, but both highways will remain open to traffic in both directions for a majority of the project. Work will require total closures for five weekends, and traffic will follow posted detours. Those closures will be announced when the exact dates are known.

US-131 BR was completed in 1964, and this expansion project is made possible by funding secured by Michigan Sen. Sean McCann and Rep. Julie Rogers, as well as former U.S. Congressman Fred Upton.

Based on economic modeling, this investment is expected to directly and indirectly support 181 jobs.

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