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MDOT announces award winners for outstanding achievements in Michigan aviation

LANSING, Mich. - At the 2025 Michigan Airport Conference held in Lansing Feb. 19-20, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) announced the award winners for achievements in promoting and improving aviation in the state. These awards are presented to airports and consultants who have been nominated by MDOT Office of Aeronautics staff and airport community members.

"Congratulations to all the award recipients who make a positive impact on Michigan aviation," said Bryan Budds, MDOT Office of Aeronautics director. "The hard work and dedication these airports and individuals have made are truly commendable in making airports safe, connecting people, recruiting new talent and growing the economy." 

The 2025 award winners are:

  • General Aviation Airport of the Year Award
    The Sandusky City Airport was selected for their dedication to protecting the health of Michigan’s aviation system. Airport Manager Don Johnston and the entire airport staff were commended for their diligence in maintaining safety standards at the highest level and for taking a proactive approach in obstruction removal. Their dedication and partnership with MDOT and their community are both recognized and appreciated in maintaining Michigan's general aviation system at the highest level.
  • Air Carrier Airport of the Year Award
    Cherry Capital Airport (TVC) in Traverse City was selected in recognition of sustained excellence and partnership toward aviation progress in the state of Michigan. The airport's leadership and staff are commended for their efforts in creating a new zoning ordinance to ensure the safety of the aviating public. Cherry Capital Airport also is recognized for its leadership in air service recruitment and retention in the state, which continues to build on the excellent service provided to the aviation community.
  • Robert G. Pekham Consultant of the Year Award
    Brian Merk, P.E., of Prein & Newhof was given the Consultant of the Year award for providing engineering services to support aviation progress in Michigan. His efforts resulted in the successful completion of airport development projects at airports across the state. He is recognized for his dedication to safety and efficiency of Michigan’s aviation system.

"This award is a testament to the hard-working, dedicated staff at TVC, and passenger support," said Kevin Klein, CEO of Cherry Capital Airport. "When a community is dedicated to flying locally, the entire region benefits enormously. I'm incredibly proud of Team TVC and our community." 

MDOT annually recognizes airports, individuals and organizations whose innovative contributions have led to significant improvements to facilities, operations or public relations that support aviation in Michigan. MDOT congratulates all the winners and appreciates their contributions to improving Michigan aviation.

General Aviation Airport of the Year Award: Linn Smith, MDOT Office of Aeronautics deputy director, and Sandusky City Airport Manager Don Johnston.

General Aviation Airport of the Year Award:
Linn Smith (left), MDOT Office of Aeronautics deputy director, and Sandusky City Airport Manager Don Johnston

Air Carrier Airport of the Year Award being presented by MDOT Office of Aeronautics director, Bryan Budds.

Air Carrier Airport of the Year Award:
Back row (left to right): Autumn MacClaren, director of Air Service Development and Marketing; Wayne Schmidt, board member; Steve Plamondon, board chair; Bob Nelesen, airport engineer; Kevin Klein, chief executive officer; Brian Budds, MDOT Office of Aeronautics director; and Dan Saal, chief operating officer.

Front row (left to right): Chris Sieklucki, operations manager; Karrie Zeits, general counsel and property manager; and Mark Bishop, chief financial officer.

Robert G. Pekham Consultant of the Year Award: Elyse Lower , MDOT Office of Aeronautics Project Management Unit supervisor, and Brian Merk, P.E.

Robert G. Pekham Consultant of the Year Award:
Elyse Lower (left), MDOT Office of Aeronautics Project Management Unit supervisor,
and Brian Merk, P.E.

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