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Final year of I-196 culvert replacement project in Van Buren County starts Monday

COLOMA, Mich. - The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and contractor Davis Construction, Inc., will begin the final year of the $9.2 million investment to replace the I-196 culvert at Rogers Creek near Covert, Van Buren County.

This year, crews will be rebuilding the culver under northbound I-196, replacing three culvert pipes with a single, three-sided concrete culvert. Work to replace the culvert under southbound I-196 was completed in 2024.

Van Buren


Closest community:

Start date:
Monday, March 3, 2025

Estimated end date:
Friday, Oct. 10, 2025

Traffic restrictions:
I-196 will be reduced to one lane in each direction between mile markers 8 and 10.

Jobs numbers:
Based on economic modeling, this investment is expected to directly and indirectly support 131 jobs.

Safety benefit:
The new culvert will improve natural creek flow and has an expected lifespan of 50-100 years.

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