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Real Estate guidance and information

Grand Rapids bridge.
Department of Transportation

Real Estate guidance and information

A project receiving federal funding on any part (including but not limited to construction) of the project must follow the Uniform Act and applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and policies for the real estate activities. MDOT Real Estate assists, monitors, reviews, manages and approves the acquisition of all local public agency right of way throughout the state to ensure compliance with state and federal laws and regulations. 

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* Has not been updated for the Uniform Act - final rule, effective June 3, 2024
** Updating soon

Hiring Consultants:

Pre-qualified acquisition and relocation consultant list

When hiring relocation consultants, the Agency must use a pre-qualified consultant from the relocation section of the above list.  

When hiring a consultant for acquisition, the Agency does not need to use a pre-qualified consultant; however, the person performing the acquisition duties must be supervised by a licensed Michigan Broker, have an understanding of the Uniform Act, federal and state laws, and the MDOT Real Estate Procedure Manual.  

Pre-qualified appraisal consultant list

when hiring an appraiser for an acquisition appraisal or review, the Agency must use a pre-qualified consultant from MDOT's appraiser list above (49 CFR 24.103 (d)(1)).  The Agency does not need to use a pre-qualified appraiser if the appraisal is for the disposal of property.