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Expanded Phase III Bridge Bundling (DB)

Project information


Seven critical or poor bridges located on local roads in Bay, Oakland, Wayne and Washtenaw counties and the cities of Ferrysburg*, Lansing and Lincoln Park. The project consists of the design and construction for the following major items of work: six bridge replacements, one superstructure replacement and associated approach roadway reconstruction for each bridge.

The SN# denotes structure number.
The * denotes superstructure replacement.

  1. SN# 678, Fraser Street over Kawkawlin River, Bay County
  2. SN# 8144, Sashabaw Road over the Clinton River, Oakland County
  3. SN# 12107, Beck Road over Johnson Drain, Wayne County
  4. SN# 10982, Plymouth Road over Flemming Creek, Washtenaw County
  5. SN# 8941, West Spring Lake Road over Smith’s Bayou, City of Ferrysburg* (superstructure replacement)
  6. SN# 3936, East Elm Street over Red Cedar River, City of Lansing
  7. SN# 12498, Harrison Street over South Branch Ecorse River, City of Lincoln Park         

Job number


Control section


Delivery method



Talia Belill | 517-230-6262
Innovative Contracting Project Manager

View projects on the Bridge Bundling map

Estimated cost

Construction cost: $35,400,000

Anticipated schedule 

Industry forum: Fall 2025

Issue request for qualifications (RFQ): Fall 2025

Statement of qualifications (SOQ): TBD

Notification of short-listed submitters: TBD

Issue request for proposals (RFP): Winter 2026

Proposals due: TBD

Anticipated contract award: Summer 2026

Beginning Construction: TBD

Project attributes

DBE goal: TBD

Stipend: TBD

Anticipated Prequalification: TBD

Anticipated Primary Professional Service Prequalification: TBD

Anticipated Secondary Professional Service Prequalification: TBD