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PHD Training

Training Videos

These training videos are designed to help those entering or utilizing PHD data. Each video is a separate topic that includes instructions and examples. 

These videos are intended to support, but not replace annual training that typically occurs in November and January. View videos on the YouTube playlist or select from the list below.

PHD Training Videos YouTube Playlist




1 - PHD Access, Interface Appearance, and Creating a New Job How to request access, the different levels of accesses, platform interface, and creating jobs in PHD. 8 mins
2 - Standard Job Data Entry (Rehabilitation Job – Part 1):
Segmentation and Data Entry Preparation
Project segmentation including creating new segments, editing existing segments, and deleting unnecessary segments. PHD job entry preparation and gathering and compiling project data. 9 mins
3 - Standard Job Data Entry (Rehabilitation Job – Part 2):
Lanes, Layers, and Attributes
Lane inputs and the lane numbering guidelines. Layers and their attributes. Quick Layer and Copy Lane options to apply existing layers and their attributes to other lanes and/or shoulders to reduce the data entry time and effort. 13 mins
4 - Standard Job Data Entry (Rehabilitation Job – Part 3):
Shoulder, Curb & Gutter, and Median
Shoulder, Curb & Gutter’s details, layers, and attributes. Copy Lane Layers to Shoulders option to apply existing lane layers and their attributes to the shoulders to reduce the data entry time and effort. The Segment Comments box. 8 mins
5 - Standard Job Data Entry (Rehabilitation Job – Part 4):
Complete and Finalize Jobs
The Copying Segment Details option to copy segment details from a Complete segment to other segments still in Draft status. MDOT PR Finder as a resource to identify the PR number and mile points. The Project Summary option and how to finalize the job and send to the Data Owner for review. 12 mins
6 - Simplified CPM Format Data Entry (Part 1):
Record Collection and Data Preparation
PHD job entry preparation for CPM type jobs and gathering and compiling project data from ProjectWise. Review construction records to locate PHD entry items and the PHD_Data_Spreadsheet as a helpful tool to organize PHD entry items. MDOT PR Finder as a resource to identify the PR number and mile points. 12 mins
7 - Simplified CPM Format Data Entry (Part 2):
Layers, Shoulder, and Finalize the Job
The PHD_Data_Spreadsheet as a helpful tool to organize PHD entry items. PHD entry for segments, layers, shoulders, and their attributes for CPM type jobs. The Project Summary option and how to finalize the job and send to the Data Owner for review. 15 mins

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