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M-37 project
Learn more about the M-37 project (Broadmoor Avenue/Cherry Valley Avenue) in Caledonia, Kent County.
What is the purpose and need for this project?
The purpose of the project will address the following:
- Reduce current traffic congestion and commute delays, as well as vehicle crashes.
- Accommodate projected traffic growth from commercial and housing developments in the vicinity.
- Incorporate continuous pedestrian and nonmotorized transportation.
- Address declining pavement and culvert conditions.
- Address legislative intent and funding for project.
- Develop improvements compatible with adjacent topography and continuation of the roadway design to the north.
The need for the project is based on the following factors:
- Traffic volumes: The existing roadway is not adequate to support current traffic volumes or projected increases.
- Growth and development: There is a projected increase in both population and jobs north and south of the project area.
- Safety: High-crash intersections have been identified along the study corridor, particularly the 84th Street intersection.
- Pedestrian and nonmotorized connectivity: Current sidewalks and nonmotorized trails are not continuous along the study segment.
- Pavement and culvert condition: This segment of M-37 was built in the early 1950s with various improvements since that time. The pavement and culverts are approaching the end of their useful lifespan.
- Access to adjacent land uses: Traffic volume increases and changes in adjacent land uses have resulted in access challenges.
What alternatives are MDOT considering for this project?
84th Street improvements: This alternative matches the existing two or three lanes from 92nd Street to the existing boulevard north of 76th Street and includes a short, four-lane boulevard centered around 84th Street. This alternative has minimal environmental and right of way (ROW) impacts but does not address traffic congestion or crashes throughout the M-37 project area.
Five-lane option: This alternative widens the two- or three-lane segment to five lanes without medians, with a proposed four-lane boulevard centered around the 84th Street intersection. This alternative has some environmental and ROW impacts but significantly reduces traffic congestion and crashes compared to the baseline option. However, it is less effective at crash reduction and managing access to/from adjacent land uses than the boulevard option.
Four-lane boulevard option: This alternative turns the entire segment into a four-lane boulevard, with median crossovers for left turns at 92nd Street, 84th Street and 76th Street. This alternative has some environmental impacts and additional ROW impacts but significantly reduces traffic congestion and crashes compared to the baseline option. This is the preferred alternative.
What are the project study limits?
The study segment is 2.7 miles of M-37 (Broadmoor Avenue) in Kent County, from south of 92nd Street in the village of Caledonia to north of 76th Street where the existing M-37 widens into a four-lane boulevard in Caledonia Township. A map of the study segment and project area is available online.
What is the timeline for the project?
MDOT is planning to request bids for the project in summer 2025. Construction is anticipated to start in spring 2026, with some pre-construction work starting in fall 2025. Construction is contingent upon completion and federal approval of the environmental assessment, anticipated to be in the fall/winter 2024.
How is the project being funded?
The project will be funded from Enrolled Senate Bill No. 565 that allocates $40 million to support this project along with other federal, state, metropolitan planning organization (MPO) and county funds, primarily derived from the tax on the sale of gasoline and diesel and vehicle registration fees, as well as revenue from the state general fund.
Why is the project ending at 92nd Street and not continuing further south to 100th Street or 108th Street?
The project includes widening south of 92nd Street, with a new southbound lane ending at Emmons Street and a new northbound lane beginning just south of 92nd Street. This work will significantly improve traffic operations at the M-37/92nd Street intersection.
The need for additional widening is reduced to the south of 92nd Street, as many vehicles turn on and off to/from side streets north of 92nd Street and traffic volumes decrease toward the south.
MDOT’s budget is limited and does not include funding for additional widening.
What measures will be taken to manage the increased road noise?
Potential noise walls were evaluated but none met the MDOT criteria, so none were recommended for construction. Walls that don’t meet criteria are not eligible for federal funding. If roadway designs substantially change during the final design process, noise abatement options may be re-evaluated. Learn more about MDOT’s noise analysis process on MDOT's YouTube channel.
What is an environmental assessment (EA)?
An EA is a process required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for federally funded projects when the significance of the environmental impacts are uncertain. The EA for this project will include detailed study of potential impacts and mitigation measures for:
- Wetlands
- Streams/drains and floodplains
- Threatened and endangered species
- Agriculture: One parcel along the study segment is protected farmland by Michigan Public Act (PA) 116, the Michigan Farmland and Open Space Preservation Act.
- Parks and potential 4(f)/6(f) properties: These include the Caledonia Community Green Park, the nonmotorized path from the Paul Henry Thornapple Trail connector in Lakeside Park to 84th Street, and the Lepard Nature Preserve.
- Cultural/historic resources (above and below ground)
- Contaminated sites
- Noise
- Traffic
How will this impact the trail next to M-37, and what pedestrian facilities will be included?
The trail will be affected by the widening of M-37 and the segment adjacent to the new roadway will be rebuilt as part of this project. Other pedestrian facilities will be considered and included as determined by the stakeholders and MDOT.
Why is traffic on 76th Street at M-37 being closed instead of adding a traffic signal?
As the area continues to grow along with traffic volumes, the ability to make the through- and some turning movements at this intersection is limited. As part of the early operational analysis of this area, various options were investigated to better manage this movement, including adding traffic signal control or replacing the through-movement with a restricted crossing U-turn (Michigan Left) intersection. A signal warrant study pursuant to the volume requirements defined in the Michigan Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MMUTCD) was completed and revealed that there were not sufficient traffic volumes to meet the warrants for signalization at this time. Therefore, a signal was not included and the restricted crossing U-turn intersection was chosen based on safety. These improvements can result in safer crossing and turning movements. There may be opportunities to consider signals in the future as traffic patterns change.
The traffic data in the study is pre-pandemic. Why isn’t newer data being used?
The 2019 data was used since it was the latest traffic data available prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 and 2021 saw significant declines in all traffic data around the state due to stay-at-home restrictions. Data from these years do not reflect the travel characteristics of the area. Multiple years of data are also used to identify trends, as reflected in the purpose and need statements. Current volumes are now approaching or exceeding pre-COVID levels, and some additional counts may be taken at specific locations.
When is the EA expected to be completed?
The EA will be published for public comment in August 2024. A Finding of No Significant Impacts (FONSI) is anticipated in November 2024, after conclusion of the public comment period.
How can I stay informed on this project? Are there opportunities for public feedback?
During this project, you can visit the project website to submit questions or comments and sign up for study updates.
As required by the provisions of 23 CFR Part 771 for the NEPA process, MDOT will provide a 30-day review period upon completing the draft EA. A public hearing is planned to be held in September 2024 in Caledonia Township. The public will have the opportunity to review the EA and provide feedback online and in-person during the review period. Further notice and instructions will be posted on the project website.
What will be the detour routes during the construction period?
M-37 is expected to maintain one lane of traffic in each direction for most of the construction period, although some short-term full roadway closures may be necessary. Detour routes will be developed during final design, after completion of the EA.
Will there be negative impacts on properties along the corridor?
The Preferred Alternative will require both permanent fee simple acquisition (FSA) and temporary easements (TE).
The FSA will remain part of the project in perpetuity while TE will be returned to the property owner(s) after construction activities are completed. The Preferred Alternative requires varying amounts of ROW from 56 parcels. Required ROW includes permanent acquisitions as well as temporary easement and totals approximately 19 acres, including drainage basins. Two of these parcels may require total acquisition of the parcel; the remaining parcels would likely be partially acquired.
While the Preferred Alternative has been designed to minimize and avoid impacts related to permanent acquisitions to the extent feasible, some acquisitions are required for the construction of the project. As the Preferred Alternative progresses through final design, further detail and refinement could minimize and/or avoid the impacts described. Property owners will be compensated following state and federal procedures and regulations.
Will the trail access be extended to connect neighborhoods directly to the Caledonia trail system?
Infrastructure for extending a multi-use path will be built as part of this project. The new roadside will be graded along the north side of 84th Street from Cherry Valley Avenue to M-37, as well as construction of an enhanced M-37 crossing. A new multi-use path is planned to be built along the west side of M-37 from 84th Street, north approximately 2,600 feet, to a future residential development and local trail connection. Emmons Lake Outlet culvert provisions are also included to accommodate the multi-use path network upgrades.
How will the project address the removal of trees and natural barriers of the adjacent neighborhood?
Tree removals, clearing limits, tree planting, and landscaping will be developed during final design. MDOT will develop a tree planting and landscaping plan for the ROW. Tree and vegetation replacement and planting is expected to be included after construction of the new roadway.