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Crossing programs

A rail crossing on US-127.
Department of Transportation

Crossing programs

MDOT uses dedicated state and federal dollars to improve motorist safety through warning-device enhancements, crossing-surface replacements, and crossing elimination projects. There are approximately 4,800 public railroad crossings throughout the state.

Safety enhancements

MDOT provides funding for safety enhancements, such as active-warning devices, at existing public grade crossings. Projects are primarily identified through an annual prioritization process that determines where investments will have the greatest benefit for the motoring public. Funding may also be available for crossings affected by road projects. For more details, read the Annual Priority Program Letter below.

Crossing Surface Program

MDOT provides funding assistance for crossing surface improvements on local roads. Through this annual program, local road agencies may apply for grants in cooperation with railroad companies. Over 400 local crossings have been selected for improvement projects since the program’s inception in 2017. The next call for projects will open in July 2025.

Crossing eliminations

MDOT provides lump-sum cash incentives to road authorities permanently closing public roads at railroad crossings and provides capped funding incentives towards track realignment projects that eliminate public at-grade crossings.


Alexis Louth | 517-897-2103
Local crossing analyst

Nisia Tebbe | 517-335-2272
Trunkline crossing manager