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Green lights on snowplows

Winter maintenance vehicles with traffic on I-96 and I-496 in Eaton County.
Department of Transportation

Green lights on snowplows

When green means slow

New green flashing lights are being incorporated on winter maintenance vehicles in Michigan this winter. And while motorists are used to green meaning go - in this case, green means slow down.

In an effort to reduce crashes, MDOT and several Michigan county road commissions and municipalities will be using green and amber lights that may be flashing, rotating or oscillating on 70 percent of their winter maintenance vehicles.

Studies suggest that humans can differentiate more shades of green than any other color. Better visibility with green lights means safer roads for winter maintenance workers and motorists.

As the lights on trucks are replaced, the new green lenses are being incorporated. 

Wider use of the green lights is a result of legislation that amends the Michigan Vehicle Code to allow for the use of the color green on maintenance vehicles.

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When green means slow Video