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Finding of No Significant Impact/Environmental Assessments

Based on an Environmental Assessment (EA) of a municipality's project plan and any comments received from crosscutter agencies, EGLE has issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI).

Any comments supporting or disagreeing with the preliminary decision of EGLE should be submitted to the Water Infrastructure Financing Section as noted in the FNSI. EGLE will not take action on a project for 30 calendar days from the date of an EA publication. In the absence of substantive comments during the 30-day timeframe, our preliminary decision will become final and the applicant will be eligible to receive loan assistance.

Date Posted Municipality Assigned #
06/06/24 City of Ironwood EA EC-001
08/02/24 City of Menominee EA Amendment 7513-01
09/26/24 Charter Township of Haring SDC EA EC-003
10/22/24 Battle Creek EA 7710-01
12/12/24 Grand Rapids EA 7867-01
12/27/24 City of Lansing EA 5005-27
01/03/25 Monroe County Drain Commissioner EA 5997-01
01/14/25 Grayling Township EC-002
01/22/25 YCUA EA 7729-01
01/22/25 City of Harrisville EA 5716-01
02/03/25 City of Grand Ledge EA Amendment 5825-01
02/06/25 Categorical Exclusion GLWA-DWSD 7887-01 and 7888-01
02/21/25 Traverse City EA 5793-01
02/21/25 City of Evart EA 7808-01
03/06/25 Delta Charter Township EA 5725-01 and 5785-01
03/07/25 City of Owosso EA 7880-01