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Water Infrastructure Grants

Image of system piping in basement
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Water Infrastructure Grants

Image Waterline work in Kalamazoo

Fiscal Year 2024 Grants Report

This report outlines the progress that was made on grant programs in the 2024 fiscal year. The report details the number of grants awarded per program and the amount of funds that have been reimbursed to awardees as work has been completed.

Read the Report

Completing the Financial Status Report for Grant Reimbursement

A quick tutorial of how to use the Financial Status Report (FSR), an Excel workbook designed to simplify grant budget tracking and reimbursement requests.

Completing the Financial Status Report for Grant Reimbursement Video

Active Opportunities:

Inactive Opportunities: 

The programs below are no longer accepting applications. EGLE staff continues to work with communities that have been awarded funding. Review the documents linked below to learn more.

The TMF programs goal is to better position communities to take advantage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) DWSRF dollars for lead line replacement, which are available through Fiscal Year 2027.

TMF Grant Overview and FAQ

TMF Funding List

DWAM assisted community drinking water supplies with asset management plan development and updates, and/or distribution system materials inventories as defined in Michigan's revised Lead and Copper Rule

DWAM Grant Overview

DWAM Funding List

Provides financial assistance to public water suppliers to meet the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and address environmental or public health concerns.

Provides financial assistance to municipalities for the construction of wastewater and storm water infrastructure projects that are necessary to improve water quality and protect environmental and public health.

The C2R2 grant was established to provide financial assistance to community drinking water systems needing to remove or reduce PFAS or other contaminants.

C2R2 Grant Overview

C2R2 Funding List

Financial assistance for community drinking water systems for drinking water contaminant remediation efforts. This program includes smaller systems such as schools and daycares.

Provides financial assistance to public water systems in small or disadvantaged communities to address emerging contaminants, including PFAS.

EPA EC-SDC web page

Provides financial assistance to public water systems in small or disadvantaged communities to meet Safe Drinking Water Act requirements.

EPA WIIN Webpage

Funding for projects that address substantial public health risks from wastewater treatment system failure and to protect public and environmental health by removing direct and continuous discharges of wastewater from surface or ground water.

SPHRP Grant Overview

SPHRP Funding List

Stormwater, Asset Management, and Wastewater (SAW) Program

Established in 2013 to help municipalities develop, update, and improve asset management plans for their wastewater and stormwater systems.

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Water Infrastructure Funding & Financing Section Grants Unit,