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Cannabis industry environmental responsibilities

Lush green marijuana plants lined up on a greenhouse shelf
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Cannabis industry environmental responsibilities

Cannabis cultivation and processing are expanding as hemp and marijuana products are being legalized across the country. The construction of cannabis facilities and installation of equipment, as well as the growing and processing of cannabis is regulated through the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy's (EGLE) water, waste, and air regulations. The marijuana industry is obligated to know and abide by the environmental regulations that apply to them.

Noncompliance with environmental regulations may lead to violations or other escalated enforcement actions. EGLE has created several guidance documents to aid in the understanding of these regulations, how to be in compliance, and where to go for help.

Other federal, state, and local regulations or programs may apply. It is the responsibility of the licensee to comply with all applicable regulations.

Marijuana growing and processing

The following guidance is intended specifically for marijuana growers and processors. The Cannabis Regulatory Agency is the lead agency for recreational and medical marijuana - learn more at

A person wearing PPE holding a marijuana leaf and an iPad

Compliance assistance

A summary of environmental regulations that apply to marijuana cultivation and processing; local regulations may also apply

A large indoor cannabis facility lined with lush marijuana plants

Protecting air quality 

Facilities are subject to EGLE air pollution control rules; learn which regulations apply and if you need to obtain an air permit for cannabis oil extraction

A yellow bucket of healthy, rich brown compost

Materials management

Facilities are subject to EGLE solid waste, hazardous waste, and LIB regulations; learn which ones apply and if you can compost marijuana waste

An irrigation system in a greenhouse; water is spraying out of the sprinkler spouts

Protecting water

Facilities are subject to EGLE water resources reporting and permitting requirements; learn which may be applicable to you

Hemp growing and processing

The following guidance is intended specifically for industrial hemp growers and processors. The Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development is the lead agency for industrial hemp - learn more at

Still have questions on cannabis?

Find answers to frequently asked questions about the environmental regulations that may apply to hemp and both recreation and medical marijuana growers and processors. 


Contact information

For general questions, please contact us at or 800-662-9278.

For small businesses, the Clean Air Assistance Program is also available for assistance.

Environmental impacts of the cannabis industry

marijuana plant and flower

Michigan Marihuana Workgroup

Published on September 17, 2018, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Marihuana Workgroup's white paper assessed the environmental risks posed by the marihuana industry as recreational marijuana would appear on the ballot that November

Hemp plant and leaves

National Cannabis Industry Association

Published in October 2020, a nation-wide group of experts, including staff from EGLE, worked to publish the following technical report: environmental sustainability in the cannabis industry: impacts, best management practices, and policy considerations which is now a keystone to the legal cannabis marketplace