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PFAS and Residential Well Water Testing and Results

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Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

PFAS and Residential Well Water Testing and Results

  • No, PFAS chemicals do not have any taste or color.

    If your water is from a municipal or community water supply and has an unusual taste or color, contact your water supplier.

    If you have a private drinking water well and your water has an unusual taste or color, contact your health department.

  • Michigan is using U.S. EPA drinking water Method 537.1 to analyze for a total of 18 PFAS compounds.

    For more details, visit EPA Method 537.1 or the PFAS Minimum Laboratory Analyte List page.

  • If EGLE or DHHS sample your residential well as part of an MPART investigation, DHHS will share your results with you and recommend whether or not bottled water or water filtration is advised. DHHS will also make recommendations regarding the use of bottled or filtered water for drinking, cooking, making baby formula or food, washing fruits or vegetables, or brushing your teeth. Touching the water is not harmful. You can bathe, wash dishes, launder your cloths, and clean with your well water.

    Residents who have questions about this PFAS testing effort or who would like to schedule an appointment can call the DHHS Environmental Health Hotline at 800-648-6942.

  • Municipal and community water systems are required to monitor for the seven PFAS chemicals regulated under the Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act. 

  • Test results can vary depending on several factors including the depth of the drinking water wells, groundwater flow direction, and geological characteristics underground. PFAS contamination in groundwater can be found at different depths in the ground depending on the aquifer thickness, type, and whether sand or clay are present.  Groundwater flows in certain directions and paths, and depending on your home's and drinking water well's location in relation to the PFAS contamination source, your testing results might show different levels of PFAS than your neighbors well.

  • If you are not part of an official investigation area and want to sample your own residential well or pay a technician to sample your well, EGLE provides a list of laboratories certified to perform EPA method 537.1 and Home Sampling Guidance on how to take a sample of your drinking water. Each laboratory has their own fee schedule.

    In addition, the Department of Defense (DoD) Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) maintains a list of DoD ELAP Accredited Labs for PFAS testing in materials other than drinking water.