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Transportation & Hydraulic Review

Rural wet road
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Transportation & Hydraulic Review

Please contact Jim Watling, 517-599-9002, if you have questions about transportation reviews.

Michigan has thousands of miles of rivers, streams, and drains. These waterways and their adjoining lands possess many of our most valuable economic, recreational, and natural resources. Our use of the waterways and adjoining lands has changed over the years but the natural functions of the rivers and streams remain the same. They still provide natural drainage, flood storage, wetlands, and wildlife habitat.

Controlling alterations of rivers, streams, drains, and wetlands ensures that stream channels and floodways are kept free of obstructions and harmful interferences. Restrictions in the flood carrying capacity of the floodway can threaten life or personal injury, increase property damage, and pollute, destroy or impair other natural resources.

A Joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between EGLE and MDOT initiated a state-wide expedited response and permit service for all public transportation authorities (PTA's). Staff review projects to ensure consistency with Part 31 (Water Resources Protection), Part 301 (Inland Lakes and Streams), and Part 303 (Wetlands Protection) of Act 451. Permit Guidelines have been developed to assist in the permitting process.

All Public Transportation Agency activities within a floodplain / floodway, wetland, or below the ordinary high water mark require a permit, review, and comment or approval by Transportation Review staff. Environmental staff inspect the project site and coordinate with other EGLE staff to determine what the impacts of the proposed activity will be to wetlands, fisheries, endangered species, stream bank stabilization / restoration, and erosion before a permit is issued. Hydraulic review staff provide written comments to the environmental staff regarding the proposal and the effects it will have on the flood carrying capacity of the floodplain / floodway. The information is compiled by the Transportation Review unit's environmental staff to determine the best way to complete the project with the minimum impact to the natural resources of the state.