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Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control - Certified Stormwater Operator and SESC Inspector Training Manual

The Certified StormWater Operator (CSWO) and Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control (SESC) Inspector/Comprehensive Training Manual can be downloaded as one document, or by segments.  Individuals taking the inspector only exam can should study chapters 1-5. Individuals taking the comprehensive exam should study the entire manual.


Please note: EGLE no longer provides copies of the CSWO/SESC Training Manual as part of the trainings and EGLE does not maintain copies of the manual for purchase. If you wish to have a print copy of the manual and cannot print it on your home or work printer, many local print shops or office supply stores can print the manual for you. The manual is 338 pages in its entirety. Call your local print shop or look at their website for printing options and costs.