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Nonpoint Source Hydrologic Analysis

Muddy stream flowing into clear stream
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Nonpoint Source Hydrologic Analysis

The Hydrologic Studies and Floodplain Management Unit (HSFMU) supports the Nonpoint Source (NPS) Program by providing hydrologic analysis to help understand the impacts of stormwater runoff on stream dynamics. Hydrologic analyses that the HSFMU has provided to NPS projects include:

  • Watershed delineation, soil, and land cover information: Obtaining watershed and subbasin boundaries, soil, and land cover information is essential early in a watershed planning project. HSFMU determines boundaries by reviewing USGS quadrangle maps. Watershed boundaries and land cover information for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are available from Michigan's Geographic Data Library.
  • Watershed Studies: Hydrologic modeling can be used to determine the impact of land uses changes and BMPs on storm flows. This information may be useful for long-range planning efforts, community stormwater ordinances, and BMP selection, design, and evaluation.

Reports and Fact Sheets
