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Resource Materials for the Part 201 and Part 213 Programs


Kevin Schrems

For additional information please contact the RRD district office responsible for your site.

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Remediation and Redevelopment Division (RRD) is currently in the process of updating numerous internal policy and procedures. As an outcome of that process a need was identified to provide public access to relevant information from the policy and procedures that could assist a cleanup program owner or operator with meeting their obligations. RRD is developing Resource Materials to provide such information. This web page provides links to those documents.

RRD has also published technical resource documents that may be used by parties seeking reference materials when investigating and remediating environmental contamination. This web page provides links to the technical resource materials documents published by RRD. As additional technical resource documents are published links will be provided with this web page.

The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Site Classification System has been published as a RRD external policy and procedure. The link is provided below.

The technical information provided in the documents is applicable to the Parts 201 and 213 programs.

Note that Application of Target Detection Limits and Designated Analytical Methods Resource Materials and EGLE's Published list of Target Detection Limits Designated Analytical Methods also covers the Part 211, Underground Storage Tank Program, as far as site assessment sampling and analysis.

Remediation and Redevelopment Division Resource Materials

Publication Date

Guidance Document for the Volatilization to Indoor Air Pathway (VIAP) 2025-02-21
Exposure Barriers for the Direct Contact Pathway Under Part 201 2024-03-20
Groundwater Not in an Aquifer 2024-08-01
Vapor Intrusion Guidance Document 2024-02-01
Evaluation of a dispersed vapor source in urban fill under Part 201 2024-09-01
Vapor Intrusion Guidance Document - SSVIAC or SSTLs Questionnaire Form (revised) 2020-09-01
Groundwater Modeling 2014-02-01
Groundwater-Surface Water Interface Pathway Compliance Options 2018-04-01
Groundwater-Surface Water Interface Pathway Compliance Options - Form 2018-04-01
Incremental Sampling Methodology and Applications 2018-02-01
Information Necessary to Process a BEA Inconsequential Request 2020-10-01
Information Necessary to Process a Part 213 Reporting Extension 2020-10-01
In Situ Remediation 2016-02-01
Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Characterization, Remediation, and Management for Petroleum Releases 2023-06-01
Application of Target Detection Limits and Designated Analytical Methods Resource Materials 2024-04-01
EGLE Published List of Target Detection Limits Designated Analytical Methods 2016-03-01
Documentation of Due Care Compliance Content 2021-02-01
Response Activity Plan to Undertake Response Actions to Mitigate Unacceptable Exposures and Achieve Compliance With Section 20107a(1)(b) Content 2021-02-01
Soil Background and Use of the 2005 Michigan Background Soil Survey 2019-09-01
Target Detection Limit and Methods 2004 and 2016 Comparison Information 2016-03-01
Request for Calculation of Mixing Zone - Based Groundwater - Surface Water Interface Criteria 2021-08-01
Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Site Classification System 2013-11-08
Low Level Mercury Sample Collection Standard Operating Procedure 2016-03-01
Methanol Preservation Standard Operating Procedure 2016-03-01
S3TM - Sampling Strategies and Statistics Training Materials for Part 201 Cleanup Criteria 2002-06-01
Performance Evaluation of UCL Estimation Methods: When Data are not normal and not lognormal 2013-11-01



Guidance Documents to cover more than Operational Memoranda

Publication Date

RRD - 1 - Part 201Generic Cleanup Criteria/Part 213 Risk Based Cleanup Levels - The cleanup criteria published under Operational Memorandum 1 (Attachment 1 and Attachment 2) have been updated and replaced by the Cleanup Criteria Requirements for Response Activity (formerly the Part 201 generic cleanup criteria and screening levels). 2004-12-10
RRD - 1 - Attachment 3: Technical Support Document - Drinking Water Criteria 2004-12-10
RRD - 1 - Attachment 6: Technical Support Document - Soil Direct Contact Criteria 2005-04-01
RRD - 1 - Attachment 7: Technical Support Document - Soil Inhalation Criteria 2007-07-01
RRD - 1 -Attachment 8: Technical Support Document Csat 2007-05-01
RRD - 1 - Attachment 9: Technical Support Document - Groundwater Protection Criteria 2005-03-01
RRD - 4: Site Characterization and Remediation Verification 2006-05-02
RRD - 4: Attachment 3: Sediments 2006-08-02
RRD - 4: Attachment 8: Monitored Natural Attenuation 2008-12-01
STD-09: Guidance and Soil Closure Verification 2005-01-31
IM10: Site Assessment at Closure or Change-In-Service After a Leaking Underground Storage Tank Closure 1998-09-23
IM17: Utilization of a Vacuum Truck for Corrective Action Activities at Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites (WORD) 1999-04-01