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Village of Milford

Downtown street for the Village of Milford
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Village of Milford

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) has issued an Administrative Order requiring ZF Active Safety US Inc. (ZF) to install a treatment system to address contamination threatening the Village of Milford’s drinking water. It is important to note that this is a pre-emptive measure and the Village of Milford’s water supply remains safe to use and drink.

On June 4, 2021, EGLE was notified by ZF’s Environmental Consultant of the presence of vinyl chloride, one of the chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), in excess of drinking water standards in a monitoring well close to the Village of Milford’s drinking water wells. EGLE notified ZF of its responsibility to address the threat, and after ZF failed to take action in a timely manner, EGLE proceeded to issue the Administrative Order.

Groundwater contamination has migrated from property formerly owned and operated by ZF’s predecessor Kelsey-Hayes Company. The contamination is composed of CVOCs, which are harmful to human health, even at low levels. These CVOCs have migrated beyond the current groundwater treatment system that ZF has in place to treat the contamination, and pose a threat to the Village of Milford’s drinking water supply wells.

To reiterate, this is a pre-emptive measure and the Village of Milford’s water supply remains safe to use and drink. EGLE is working continuously with the Village of Milford to protect public health, safety, welfare, and the environment.



Brandon Alger