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Pfizer, Inc. – Holland, formerly Warner-Lambert Company, LLC


Tianna Kilgore

Las personas que necesiten asistencia lingüística o adaptaciones para participar eficazmente en el proceso de acción correctiva deben ponerse en contacto con Tianna Kilgore a través de o llamando al 517-230-4395 para solicitar asistencia lingüística, de movilidad, visual, auditiva, de traducción y/o de otro tipo.

The Pfizer/Warner Lambert Company LLC Site is located at 188 Howard Avenue, Holland, Michigan. Prior to Warner Lambert’s ownership, Parke Davis & Company LLC (Parke Davis), owned and operated the facility from the early 1950s to 1970. Parke Davis and Warner Lambert manufactured pharmaceuticals and operated hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal units to manage process wastes generated on-site. Prior to that, the facility was used for a series of tannery operations from the late 1800s until 1950, which also left residual wastes on-site. Pharmaceutical manufacturing activities were discontinued in 2007.

Corrective actions performed on-site include the construction of a hydraulic containment system (HCS), which prevents the off-site migration of contaminated groundwater. Several restrictive covenants have been placed on-site and on adjacent properties prohibiting the use of groundwater and restricting the land to non-residential land uses only. 


Amendments to the Remedial Action Plan/Corrective Measures Implementation Plan and Revised Post Closure Plan

On May 17, 2022, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) received amendments to the approved Remedial Action Plan/Corrective Measures Implementation Plan (RAP/CMIP) and Post-Closure Plan (PCP) for the Pfizer/Warner Lambert Company LLC (Pfizer/Warner Lambert) site located at 188 Howard Avenue in Holland, Michigan.  The PCP identifies actions for long-term groundwater monitoring and the RAP/CMIP identifies remedies for sitewide environmental contamination. The proposed amendments were prepared to comply with provisions of the previous RAP/CMIP, which was approved June 20, 2014, and the previous Post-Closure Plan, which was approved in lieu of issuing a Post-Closure Operating License on May 8, 2015.  EGLE provided comments on the amendments and revised copies of the documents were submitted by Pfizer/Warner Lambert on June 16, 2023.  

These documents specify the corrective actions that must be completed at the facility as well as three adjacent properties, pursuant to Part 111, Hazardous Waste Management, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended, and the administrative rules promulgated thereunder (Part 111). 

The amendments propose a secondary method for managing groundwater extracted on-site. Currently, extracted groundwater is disposed of in a deep injection well onsite.  The proposed alternate disposal method involves on-site pretreatment with biologically active granular activated carbon followed by discharge to the City of Holland Board of Public Works (BPW). Pfizer/Warner Lambert has received a Wastewater Discharge Permit, No. HT-2021-WLC-24 from BPW.  The alternate disposal method will supplement the deep injection well system in the short-term and, if warranted, provide for a replacement to that system in the long-term.

The amendments to the RAP/CMIP and PCP are available in hard copy at the following locations:

  • Lansing: EGLE, MMD, Constitution Hall, 525 West Allegan Street, Lansing, Michigan 48933 (contact Vickie Terry at, or 517-284-6546).
  • Grand Rapids: EGLE, MMD, Grand Rapids District Office, 350 Ottawa Northwest, Unit 10, Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (contact Michele Bowne at, or 616-204-6669)
  • Holland: Herrick Main Library, 300 South River, Holland, Michigan 49423 (contact Reference Desk at (616) 355-3100)

The amendments to the RAP/CMIP and PCP are also available electronically using the links below.

Corrective Action

Environmental clean-up activity performed to address contamination resulting from hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities is referred to as "corrective action" in the hazardous waste regulations. Hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities are required to submit corrective action plans to EGLE for review and approval. The corrective action plans provide details on how the facility owner(s) and/or operator(s) will investigate and clean-up the contamination to meet standards protective of human health and the environment. Though the corrective action cleanup process varies from place to place, it typically includes an initial facility assessment, facility characterization, interim actions, evaluation of remedial alternatives, and implementation of the selected remedy. 

Inspection Oversight

Please see EGLE's Waste Data System to view facility inspection and oversight data for the Pfizer/Warner Lambert Company LLC Site.

How to Stay Connected

Complete this form to be placed on the official Pfizer, Inc. – Holland mailing list to receive required notifications from both EGLE and the Pfizer, Inc. – Holland.

Through your observations and reporting of activities of concern, you play a valuable role in helping the EGLE protect human health and the environment.  To file a complaint or share details about improper waste handling or disposal, contact EGLE through the Pollution Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) Hotline at 800-292-4706.