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Water Energy Nexus Program

EGLE offers grants to water and wastewater treatment facilities in an effort to reduce energy use on site at these facilities. This program will do so by helping to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy at water and wastewater treatment facilities. This program aims to showcase energy efficiency and/or renewable energy as an affordable, reliable, adaptable, and environmentally protective solution for Michigan's energy future. One of the priorities of this program is to cultivate public-private partnerships and knowledge-sharing to expand the impact of renewable energy and/or energy efficiency projects and related best practices. 


Colby Owens

Eligibility Requirements

Any public or non-community wastewater or water facility physically located in Michigan is eligible to apply.

Funding Amount

A total of $200,000 in funding is expected to be available, with individual grant awards ranging from $10,000-$100,000.

Awardee Obligations

  • Progress reports emailed to program manager, 
  • Report project impacts, addressing potential energy and cost savings, 
  • Provide documentation of project expenditures (i.e. invoices and proof of payments),
  • Submit payment request within 30 days of completing the project / activity, 
  • Onsite visit with EGLE staff following project completion, 
  • One-year follow-up survey on continued impacts of implemented project/activity. 

Application Documents

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The State anticipates the grant period will end on August 31, 2025. This is due to specifications from the funding source.

  • Other sources of funding (like utility rebates) are generally fine with a major exception: federal funds, such as USDA REAP, cannot be used as match. Retooling grant funding comes from a federal source, US Department of Energy, and we are not allowed to use other federal funds as the match.

  • No. A grant match is not required to be eligible for this program. Though, proposals will receive favorable consideration if they provide match funding to the project.

  • No. In order for expenses to be reimbursed from grant funds, an EGLE grant agreement must be executed (signed) first.