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Oil and Gas

Gas well in Akron Township, Tuscola County, with wind turbines in the background
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Oil and Gas

The Geologic Resources Management Division (GRMD) of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is tasked with administering the statute and rules subject to Part 615, Supervisor of Wells, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994, PA 451, as amended (NREPA).

Michigan's oil and gas regulations are designed to provide excellent protection of the environment, natural resources, public health, public safety, and property, during oil and gas development activities.

To date, approximately 60,000 oil and gas related wells have been drilled within the state of Michigan. Our staff review permit applications, monitor well drilling operations, and inspect active well sites and production facilities to ensure compliance to Michigan regulations.

EGLE explains video explaining how oil and gas wells are regulated in Michigan

Michigan’s oil and gas wells

Do you know what oil and gas wells look like?

Find out by watching this video explaining oil and gas wells in Michigan and how EGLE regulates them.