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Obtaining a Construction Permit

Step 1:
Complete the application and pay a fee

Complete the Swimming Pool Construction Permit Application and pay one fee.

For information on fees, please view the fee schedule.

Step 2:
Upload application, plans, and payment receipt to MiEHDWIS and LHD

A construction permit (CP) is required for every new public swimming pool or modification of an existing public swimming pool regardless of size or project cost. Fill in all the necessary information on the CP Application form and sign where necessary. Please be sure that a legible and functioning e-mail address is included on the CP Application. Each pool in the project is required to have their own CP Application submitted. For example, if there are three different pools, then send three different CP Applications.

Please submit the appropriate fee for each pool as indicated on the CP Application based on the surface area of the pool. Please make all checks or money orders payable to STATE OF MICHIGAN. You may include the fees for more than one pool on a single check. However, please do not add any fees for other programs or agencies on this check. Please follow the submittal instructions on the bottom of the application. (Note: The courier and mailing addresses are different from each other.) If you need to pay the CP Application fee by credit or debit card, please contact our office. Please do not send cash.

Upload your application, online payment receipt and (1) copy of digital plans to MiEHDWIS. For instructions on how to upload to MiEHDWIS, please visit “How do I upload a swimming pool construction permit application?”. In addition, submit one set of plans  and specifications to the local health department (LHD) jurisdiction where the pool is located. This is in addition to the sets we receive. EGLE will not forward new plans to the local health department. Plans must be sealed by an engineer or architect registered in Michigan for all projects where the total cost is $15,000 or more. Plans for projects costing less than $15,000 are not required to be sealed.

Step 3:
EGLE review of application

We review all plans based on the order of receipt. Plans submitted without an application and/or fee are not assigned a receipt date. It is our goal to review new plans within 6-8 weeks, depending on workload. We will prepare a list of deficiencies and problems to correct a denied CP. We email this list to the designer or owner.

Step 4:
Issuance of permit

We issue the CP when all items from the Public Swimming Pool Rules are satisfied. Concerning CPs with conditions, we generally will issue a CP with three or four conditions at most. All CPs are issued to the pool OWNER. We do not issue CPs to engineers, architects, or pool builders. Any one of these may apply for the CP, but we will issue the CP only to the owner. We will stamp the approved plans and retain a copy for our records and e-mail a copy along with the original CP to the owner, local health department, pool engineers, architects, or designers, pool builder, local building department, and electrical division. Pool construction may begin as soon as we assign the CP number and date, and applicable local construction permits are obtained.

Step 5:
Construction phase

EGLE does not perform any inspections during construction. Local mechanical and plumbing agencies may require various inspections during construction. The local electrical inspector will very likely require inspections during construction.

Step 6:
Initial pool inspections and licensing

Instructions on the CP direct the OWNER to request an invoice by e-mail for the application for initial pool license. The owner can pay the initial license fee online within 24 hours after receiving the invoice. The OWNER must send a copy of the online payment confirmation and a copy of the invoice to EGLE prior to scheduling the initial licensing inspection. EGLE should receive confirmation of payment 30 days prior to the initial licensing inspection. EGLE or a designated local health department will not schedule the initial licensing inspection until the fee is received. A local health department inspection fee may be required in addition to the EGLE fee.

EGLE or a designated local health department will make the initial licensing inspection when the pool is finished and ready to have swimmers. Generally, the pool contractor sets up the initial licensing inspection date 2 to 4 weeks in advance. We prefer to have the pool contractor, the pool designer, an owner’s representative, and the local health department present at the inspection.

If the initial licensing inspection report approves the pool for operation, then the pool may be opened for use immediately. Conditional approvals or denials require a follow up inspection most often by the local health department at a mutually agreeable time. If this follow up inspection approves the pool, then the pool may be opened for use immediately.

A license will be issued and e-mailed to the owner when copies of the approved inspection reports are received at EGLE. This is usually within two weeks after we receive the approved inspection report.

Step 7:
Modification permits

Please follow items 1, 2, and 3 above for submitting the CP Application, fee, and plans. For modifications, we need plans only for what is being changed or modified but is helpful to have the existing equipment listed to assure our files are up to date. We will review modification plans and issue these CPs as indicated in items 4 and 5 above. We will follow the same procedures as indicated in items 6 and 7 for construction and initial licensing.