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Lead and Copper Rule
Lead and Copper Rule
The purpose of the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) is to protect public health by minimizing lead and copper levels in drinking water. Lead and copper enter drinking water mainly from corrosion of lead and copper containing plumbing materials. The rule establishes action levels (AL) for lead and copper based on a 90th percentile level of tap water samples. An action level exceedance is not a violation but triggers other requirements to minimize exposure to lead and copper in drinking water, including water quality parameter monitoring, corrosion control treatment, source water monitoring/treatment, public education, and lead service line replacement. All community water supplies and nontransient noncommunity water supplies are subject to the LCR requirements.
Learn About Lead in Drinking Water
Public Information About Community Water Supplies
- Community Water Supply Lead Results (90th percentiles)
- Michigan Preliminary Service Line Materials Estimates (PDSMI data, updated July 2023)
Michigan Lead and Copper Rule Revision (2018)
Lead and Copper Tap Sampling Preparation
Tap Sampling Checklist
To avoid missing steps or deadlines, use this checklist to prepare for and conduct lead and copper tap sampling and report results to EGLE.
Lead and Copper Tap Sampling Checklist for Community Water Supplies
Sample Site Selection
Site selection criteria were updated in 2018 to place more emphasis on sites with lead service lines. Review the updated Sample Site Collection Criteria to confirm the sites in your sampling pool still meet proper tiering criteria.
Lead and Copper Sampling Plan (Sampling Pool)
Water supplies must submit to EGLE a Sampling Plan that contains a pool of properly tiered lead and copper tap sampling sites.
Sampling plans should now be submitted through MiEHDWIS. You will enter site information directly into the system. Create a Lead and Copper Sample Site Plan activity and you will be tasked with filling out the MiEHDWIS form. For more information on MiEHDWIS, visit
General Information
Sampling Plan Instructions and Guidance
Sampling Plan Form
Lead and Copper Tap Sampling
Compliance Sampling Instructions
Samples MUST be collected according to very specific instructions. Water supplies may use the following instructions to inform operators and/or homeowners on proper sample collection.
Sites WITHOUT Lead Service Lines
Sites WITH Lead Service Lines
Emergency Service Line Repair Sampling Instructions
Water supplies may use the following instructions to collect samples after an emergency repair on a service line that contains lead or galvanized iron pipe that was previously connected to lead.
Lead and Copper Tap Sample Reporting
Lead and Copper Report and Consumer Notice Certificate
All lead and copper samples must be reported to EGLE. Water supplies must use one of the following forms to report the results and all associated tiering criteria and sample location information.
Lead and Copper Report Form
Consumer Notice Template
Water Quality Parameter (WQP) Tap Reporting
Most WQP samples results are reported on a water supply’s Monthly Operational Report (MOR). Water supplies may also use the following WQP report template to submit sampling results to EGLE. Choose the appropriate template based on whether or not your system has corrosion control treatment.
Distribution System Materials Inventory (DSMI)
Michigan water supplies must maintain an inventory of service line materials in their distribution systems. By January 1, 2020, public water supplies were required to submit a Preliminary DSMI. Water supplies must develop and maintain a Complete DSMI (CDSMI) and submit it to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) by October 16, 2024.
Preliminary DSMI
The primary focus of the Preliminary DSMI was for water supplies to review their existing records and report what is known and unknown regarding service line materials.
General Information
- Preliminary DSMI Reporting Form
- Preliminary DSMI Interim Update Form (Optional)
Minimum Service Line Verification
As an interim step between the Preliminary DSMI and the Complete DSMI, a representative, uniformly random number of service lines must be physically verified to effectively evaluate the accuracy of service line records and/or predict service line materials.
General Information
General Information for Manufactured Communities
Evaluating Minimum Service Line Materials Verification Data and Developing the CDSMI
Complete DSMI
By October 16, 2024, water supplies must develop and maintain a Complete DSMI. The Complete DSMI is to characterize, record, and maintain a comprehensive inventory of distribution system materials, including service line materials on both public and private property.
General Information
- Complete Distribution System Materials Inventory (CDSMI) Overview
- Revised Service Line Inventory Requirements and Deadlines Memo (NEW)
- CDSMI Submission Information (NEW)
- CDSMI: Final Submittal (NEW)
- CDSMI: Final Submittal for Distribution Systems Limited in Extent (NEW)
Service Line Replacement
Building Owner/Operator Service Line Material Notification
Water supplies must notify the owners and occupants of premises served by a lead service line (LSL), a galvanized previously connected to lead (GPCL) service line, or a service line of unknown lead status.
General Information
Service Line Material Notification Templates
Service Line Replacement Information
Water supplies with lead or galvanized previously connected to lead (GPCL) service lines shall annually provide the department a summary of service line repairs or replacements. This form must be submitted by March 31st every year.
Emergency Service Line Repair Requirements
Partial LSL replacements are banned, except as a result of an emergency repair, to prevent the risk of increased lead exposure after partial LSL replacements. If an emergency repair is necessary, certain notification and sampling requirements are necessary. The following document has been developed to help water supplies follow those requirements.
Complete Distribution System Materials Inventory (CDSMI) Recorded Webinars
- Minimum Service Line Materials Verification Requirements (9/13/2022)
- Evaluating Minimum Service Lines Material Verification Data (3/22/2023)
- Complete Distribution System Materials Inventory (CDSMI) Final Submittal (3/13/2024)
Other Webinars & Events