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MI Solar for All engagement and input opportunities

A residential home with solar panels on the roof
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

MI Solar for All engagement and input opportunities

There are many ways to provide input into the MI Solar for All program design and prioritization process coming up.  Please share your thoughts with us on how MI Solar for All can best help you and your community!

In the future, in addition to the listening sessions we will have multiple surveys for you to share your thoughts on various aspects of the MI Solar for All program design and implementation, as well as a Request for Information (RFI). Keep checking this page for updates!

MI Solar for All Surveys

These surveys are one of several engagement opportunities for the MI Solar for All (MI SFA) program. Your input is critical to shaping its design and implementation. We will update this section with additional surveys as they become available. 

MI Solar for All Pilot Survey Survey

MI Solar for All Community Solar Survey

MI Solar for All virtual listening sessions

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is hosting a series of listening sessions on the MI Solar for All Program. The MI Solar for All program will support residential and community solar deployment to serve low-income Michiganders (defined as households earning no more than 80% of area median income or 200% of the federal poverty level, whichever is higher), with a goal of providing participants an average 20% reduction in electricity bills. The MI Solar for All program will invest in:

  • residential roof top solar,
  • residential serving community solar,
  • enabling upgrades,
  • associated storage,
  • community assistance, and
  • workforce development and training.

The public is invited to participate in a series of virtual listening sessions on considerations in designing the MI Solar for All program and its program offerings, as well as prioritization criteria. Input will help inform the development of MI Solar for All program offerings and project selection.

The intended audience is anyone interested in or who has experience relevant to the MI Solar for All program. This includes low-income Michiganders; other community members; community-based organizations and nonprofits; businesses working with solar, storage, or home repair/energy efficiency; local governments; K-12 schools and higher education; utilities; and state government.

Each virtual listening session will begin with a brief introduction by EGLE on a specific aspect of the MI Solar for All program to inform the listening session. Following a presentation by EGLE, the majority of the listening session will be dedicated to public comment. Those who wish to comment will have three minutes each. Input received in these sessions will inform MI Solar for All program offerings and prioritization. 

Register for a listening session today!

Listening sessions are recorded and posted further down this page when available.

Thursday, March 20: residential solar, enabling upgrades, and storage

This session solicits input on MI Solar for All offerings for residential rooftop solar, both for single-family and multi-family homes, as well as related enabling upgrades, such as energy efficiency measures, roof repair, and storage solutions.

Thursday, April 10: residential-serving community solar, enabling upgrades, and storage

This session solicits input on MI Solar for All offerings for residential-serving community solar programs, covering both solar projects “in front” of the customer electric meter and “behind” the customer electric meter, as well as related enabling upgrades, such as needed electric infrastructure upgrades for the project and energy storage solutions.

Wednesday, May 14: geographic distribution and equitable deployment

This session solicits input on the geographic distribution of MI Solar for All funding and resources, especially regarding how investments could be allocated to ensure equitable deployment across Michigan.

Additionally, the session solicits input on prioritization for MI Solar for All program design and project selection. It aims to understand how interested parties believe the most impactful, equitable, and feasible projects can be selected to meet community needs or desires.

If you cannot attend any of these sessions, you can still provide input by emailing For more information about MI Solar for All, visit the MI Solar for All homepage

Language assistance and accommodations for listening sessions

Individuals needing language assistance or accommodations for effective participation at these events should contact Joel Roseberry at 517-599-9494 at least two weeks before each event to request language, mobility, visual, hearing, translation, and/or other assistance.

Las personas que necesiten asistencia lingüística o adaptaciones para participar de forma efectiva deberán ponerse en contacto con Joel Roseberry
(517-599-9494, para recibir asistencia.

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Recordings of past events

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