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Funding and Investments

A $100 bill with more behind it
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Funding and Investments

In recent budget cycles, EGLE has consistently advocated for Michigan to dramatically increase its investment in our state's aging and outmoded water infrastructure (across the spectrum of drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater systems).

The centerpiece of this effort is Governor Gretchen Whitmer's now $700 million MI Clean Water plan, which EGLE and partners have been promoting since 2020. The $207 million drinking water component of that plan includes $102 million in targeted investments to assist disadvantaged communities with lead line replacement. In addition to promoting the plan here in Michigan, Governor Whitmer has been working across the Great Lakes States to urge federal leaders to prioritize water infrastructure in its economic recovery, infrastructure, and other spending plans.

As part of the MI Clean Water plan, $35 million has recently been secured for Benton Harbor's water infrastructure needs, including $18.6 million for lead service line replacements (see table below). The latter Benton Harbor lead-service-line figure includes:

  • A dedicated $10 million State General Fund allocation adopted by the State Legislature and signed by the Governor as part of the fiscal year 2022 budget;
  • A nearly $5.6 million EPA grant that Benton Harbor secured with support from EGLE, including our team assisting the city in submitting its application and advocating for Benton Harbor's proposal in phone calls and a letter of support;
  • $3 million from the State Revolving fund.

Current preliminary estimates put the total cost of Benton Harbor's lead line replacement effort at $30 million, leaving an estimated $11.4 million gap to close to achieve Governor Whitmer's goal of removing all lead service lines in Benton Harbor over the next 18 months. Updated cost estimates are anticipated to be available in early 2022 once the City receives bid proposals from potential contractors.


Project Amount Funding Purpose
ARPA Allocation $45,000,000 Lead Service Line Replacement/ Water Infrastructure
State General Fund Allocation - FY2022
Lead Service Line Replacement
EPA Grant $5,557,000
Lead Service Line Replacement
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund
Lead Service Line Replacement
Affordability and Planning $168,500 Water Infrastructure
Best Early Agreement $10,000 Water Infrastructure
Bottled Water Distribution $5,000,000 Water Infrastructure
Clean Water State Revolving Fund $4,675,000 Water Infrastructure
Drinking Water Asset Management Grant $543,024 Water Infrastructure
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund $6,000,000 Water Infrastructure
Restart Grant $75,000 Water Infrastructure
Service Line Replacement (State Pilot Program) $284,000 Water Infrastructure
Water Leak Pilot Program $20,000 Water Infrastructure
Water Main Break - Emergency Assistance Grant $147,300 Water Infrastructure
Total $80,579,824 Lead Service Line Replacement and Water Infrastructure