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Municipal Stormwater Program

Grand River Lansing
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Municipal Stormwater Program

The goal of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program is to reduce the discharge of pollutants to surface waters of the State.  An MS4 is a system of drainage (including roads, storm drains, pipes, and ditches, etc.) that is not a combined sewer or part of a sewage treatment plant.  During wet weather, pollutants are transported through MS4s to local water bodies.


Stormwater discharges from a regulated MS4 to a surface water of the State in an urbanized area are subject to regulation under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.  MS4 permittees generally include the following municipal entities: cities, townships, villages, county agencies, universities, and school districts.  The Department completed maps to identify MS4s located in an urbanized area that may require coverage under an MS4 permit. 

Who may be regulated: Urbanized Area Maps

How to view permits on public notice: MiEnviro Public Notice

Application Information

The following documents are available to assist with completing the abbreviated MS4 application form for permit reissuance in the MiEnviro Portal.

Compliance Assistance Documents

The following documents are available to assist with developing and implementing a StormWater Management Program (SWMP) as part of the MS4 program.

Public Education

Illicit Discharge Elimination

Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping

Post Construction Stormwater Runoff Controls

Total Maximum Daily Loads

Stormwater Resources


Julia Miller, MS4 Compliance

Jessica Stiles, MS4 Permitting

MS4 Program Staff Assignments

Michigan's Stormwater programs

Common information

Laws and Rules