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Previous state vehicle contracts

Contract number Commodity specification Dates active Vendor Audits/Certifications
190000001013 Medium bus 7/16/19 - 7/15/21 TESCO Pre-award audit - Class 1
Pre-award audit - Class 2
Question and answer addendum
190000000991 Medium bus 7/16/19 - 7/15/21 Hoekstra Transportation Per-award audit - Class 1 (Fiberglass)
Pre-award audit - Class 2 (Fiberglass)
Per-award audit - Class 1 (Metal cage)
Pre-award audit - Class 2 (Metal cage)
Question and answer addendum
071B5500138 Modified mini-van 9/14/2015 - 8/31/2018 Mobility Transportation Pre-award audits and certifications
071B6600071 Medium bus 5/11/2016 - 5/10/2019 Hoekstra Transportation Pre-award audits and certifications
Class I Metal
Class II Metal
071B6600072 Medium bus 5/11/2016 - 5/10/2019 Mobility Transportation Pre-award audits and certifications
Class I Metal
Class II Metal
071B7700125 Small bus - Class I 4/1/17 - 3/31/21 Hoekstra - Metal cage Pre-award audits and certifications
071B7700125 Small bus - Class I 4/1/17 - 3/31/21 Hoekstra - FRP Pre-award audits and certifications
071B7700124 Small bus - Class I 4/1/17 - 3/31/21 Mobility - Metal cage Pre-award audits and certifications
071B7700125 Small bus - Class II 4/1/17 - 3/31/21 Hoekstra - Metal cage Pre-award audits and certifications
071B7700125 Small bus - Class II 4/1/17 - 3/31/21 Hoekstra - FRP Pre-award audits and certifications
071B7700124 Small bus - Class II 4/1/17 - 3/31/21 Mobility - Metal cage Pre-award audits and certifications
171-190000000220 Full-size van 12/1/18 - 11/30/22 Hoekstra Pre-award audits