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I-75/M-102 Study - Oakland/Wayne counties

An aerial view of I-75 and M-102 in Detroit and Hazel Park.
Department of Transportation

I-75/M-102 Study - Oakland/Wayne counties

MDOT is undertaking a feasibility study, also known as an early preliminary engineering (EPE) study, for the I-75/M-102 (8 Mile Road) interchange in the cities of Detroit and Hazel Park. The existing interchange contains aging infrastructure built in 1969. Since it was originally built, traffic patterns and land uses have changed. MDOT is evaluating the interchange to improve the transportation system, connectivity, and aesthetics; reduce long-term maintenance costs; and complement the I-75 modernization project north of 8 Mile Road.

The outcome of this study will enable MDOT, in partnership with the local communities, to enhance safety, improve design and mobility, and plan for future transportation needs and changing travel behaviors through this unique area.

Engagement opportunities

The outcome of this project will be shaped by public and stakeholder input. Community and stakeholder participation is important, and the engagement process will incorporate community values early in the process, carrying those through to recommendations. 

There will be multiple ways and opportunities throughout the project process for public participation, including live meetings, an interactive map, and survey.


James VanSteel | 248-234-0192
Metro Region project manager

Diane Cross | 248-752-0336
Media representative

Monica Monsma | 517-335-4381
Public outreach

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