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Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality

Flex Route - CMAQ
Department of Transportation

Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality

The CMAQ program funds transportation projects or programs that will contribute to the attainment or maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone (NOx and VOC), carbon monoxide (CO), or particulate matter (PM 2.5).

The CMAQ program supports two important goals: Improving air quality and relieving congestion.


James Ashman | 517-896-5478
Transportation Planning

Call for Projects

The purpose of the Call for Projects (CFP) is to identify, select, and approve projects that align with MDOT's goals, policies, and strategic plan. Submit CMAQ project applications according to the CFP instructions.

Projects should be submitted via JobNet through MILogin for third party.

FY 2026-2029 Local CMAQ call for projects program participant letter

FY 2026-2029 Estimated funding allocation table

CMAQ is not a grant program. The role of the CMAQ CFP Committee is to determine the Federal Aid eligibility for CMAQ funding. If a project is deemed eligible by the CMAQ CFP Committee, this is not a final approval of the project. Project applicants must also work with MDOT regions, TSCs, LAP, and all other appropriate agencies responsible in issuing approvals and permits. It is not uncommon for a project to require modifications after an eligibility determination based on the feedback of these entities.

Transportation Performance Management (TPM)

Traffic congestion measures

PHED measure: Annual hours of peak hour excessive delay (PHED) per capita

Non-SOV travel measure: Percent of non-single occupancy vehicle (SOV) travel

On-road mobile source emissions measure

Emission reductions measure: 2- and 4-year total emission reductions for each applicable criteria pollutant and precursor


CMAQ TPM presentation

FHWA TPM guidance

Michigan TPM performance dashboard

TPM performance measures for CMAQ