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Ancillary Structures

An ancillary structure supporting directional freeway signs over a freeway.
Department of Transportation

Ancillary Structures

MDOT's Ancillary Structures Unit implements the department's asset management program for ancillary structures per the Michigan Ancillary Structures Manual (MiASM). They perform comprehensive asset management of ancillary structures, serve as MDOT's ancillary structures expert, and provide data to region staff regarding ancillary structure inventory, inspection, and maintenance issues. They also perform structural design technical reviews of detailed shop drawings and field construction related documents required to be submitted for review and approval.

Ancillary Structures Program


Michelle O'NeillAncillary Structures Program Manager

Vacant, Statewide Ancillary Structures Assistant Program Manager

Sue Taylor, Sign Cantilever/Truss Specialist

Tom Zurburg, Noise Wall Specialist

Michelle Harris, Ancillary Structures Transportation Technician