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Public open house on proposed Fullerton Avenue bridge removal project

2025-02-27T15:00:00Z 2025-02-27T17:00:00Z Public open house on proposed Fullerton Avenue bridge removal project

MDOT invites the public to provide their input on a proposed project to remove the Fullerton Avenue bridge over I-96 in Detroit. MDOT’s in-person and virtual open houses will offer detailed information on the proposed removal, detour routes, and improvements to the nearby Hubbell Street bridge.

Attendees who require mobility, visual, hearing, written, or other assistance for effective participation should contact Orlando Curry at 517-241-7462 or, preferably at least five business days prior to the scheduled meeting. Forms are located on the Title VI webpage. Requests made after this timeframe will be evaluated and honored to the extent possible.

Project background:
The proposed project involves permanently removing the Fullerton Avenue bridge and rebuilding Hubbell Avenue to include pedestrian and bicycle improvements. Two new traffic signals are proposed at both ends of the Hubbell Street bridge to improve traffic flow.

Public input:
Share your input online by taking the Fullerton Avenue survey or by using the contact information below. Provide your comments by March 7, 2025.

Monica Monsma
MDOT Environmental Services Section
425 West Ottawa St. 
P.O. Box 30050 
Lansing, MI 48909

Adams Butzel Complex 10500 Lyndon St. Detroit, MI 48238 

Adams Butzel Complex
0500 Lyndon St.
Detroit, MI 48238 

Event Date

Start: February 27, 2025 3:00 PM

End: February 27, 2025 5:00 PM

Contact Information
Diane Cross

MDOT Metro Region Media Representative

MDOT invites the public to provide their input on a proposed project to remove the Fullerton Avenue bridge over I-96 in Detroit. MDOT’s in-person and virtual open houses will offer detailed information on the proposed removal, detour routes, and improvements to the nearby Hubbell Street bridge.

Attendees who require mobility, visual, hearing, written, or other assistance for effective participation should contact Orlando Curry at 517-241-7462 or, preferably at least five business days prior to the scheduled meeting. Forms are located on the Title VI webpage. Requests made after this timeframe will be evaluated and honored to the extent possible.

Project background:
The proposed project involves permanently removing the Fullerton Avenue bridge and rebuilding Hubbell Avenue to include pedestrian and bicycle improvements. Two new traffic signals are proposed at both ends of the Hubbell Street bridge to improve traffic flow.

Public input:
Share your input online by taking the Fullerton Avenue survey or by using the contact information below. Provide your comments by March 7, 2025.

Monica Monsma
MDOT Environmental Services Section
425 West Ottawa St. 
P.O. Box 30050 
Lansing, MI 48909