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A contractor is surveying work in MDOT right of way.
Department of Transportation


Learn more about permits issued by MDOT or related to state right of way.


A billboard with a Planet M advertising.

Highway advertising

Permitting, regulation, and control of outdoor advertising (billboards) adjacent to state and federal highways.

Highway advertising
Old cars and trucks along M-26 in Houghton County.


Provides guidance for controlling the screening of junkyards adjacent to highway right of way.

Junkyard Permits
M-104 in Spring Lake is closed as they move a house down the road.

Oversize/Overweight Permits

Permits for moving oversize or overweight loads on Michigan highways (I, M and US-routes).

Oversize/Overweight Permits
Right-of-way Utility Permit construction on Grand River M-5.

Right-of-way construction permits

Construction permits for use of highway right-of-way operations other than normal vehicle or pedestrian travel.

Right-of-way construction permits
Crews installing a by horizontal direction drill at a 12" natural gas main as part of a larger project.

Utility coordination

Provides guidance and information related to MDOT’s utility coordination and accommodation program.

Utility coordination
Crews work near the river in wetlands on the relocation of a historic steel truss bridge.


Permits for operating, constructing, or cleanup within state right of way for projects that impact Michigan's environment.

Environmental Permits

Permit Gateway

The MDOT Permit Gateway (MPG) is the portal for ordering and renewing permits. 

For technical issues (passwords or login assistance) related to the MPG, contact or call 844-806-0002. 

For instructions on registering for MPG, visit

Apply or Renew Permits

Local Government Agency Permits

Local government agencies regularly require access to state highway right of way during construction of federal or state funded projects and other locally funded projects. These types of projects are located directly on or intersect with state highway right of way, or require state highway right of way for detours or construction signing.

Local Government Agency Permits