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Access management

Overhead shot of US-31 realignment
Department of Transportation

Access management

Access management is a set of proven techniques that can help reduce traffic congestion, preserve the flow of traffic, improve traffic safety, prevent crashes, preserve existing road capacity and preserve investment in roads by managing the location, design and type of access to property. 

Questions? Contact Statewide and Urban Travel Analysis at MDOT-ProjectPlanning

Access management helps:

  • Reduce the number of crashes and improve safety.
  • Reduce traffic congestion.
  • Preserve the flow of traffic.
  • Preserve the public investment in roads.
  • Enhance the value of private land development.

Poor access management is most obvious along major free-access roads that are lined with commercial development. Along these routes, many separate driveways may be located too close to one another. This raises safety concerns and impedes the flow of traffic. To address this, MDOT seeks to promote an understanding of access management and to improve state and local coordination.

Some issues that contribute to poor access management, but can be improved are:

  • All road agencies need to be notified of local rezoning or changes in land use along the trunklines.
  • Local site plan review and approval processes should include all responsible road agencies.
  • Applications for driveway permits should be reviewed by road agencies prior to the site plan approval.
  • Roadway reconstruction and resurfacing projects need to adequately address access issues.
  • Access management education could enlighten local government officials about traffic impacts that result from local land use decisions.

Many of these issues can be eliminated when state and local governments form teams to properly manage how access to trunklines is granted and controlled.