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Plant the seed with elementary school aged kids with these resources. 
Logo: We Are Teachers

We Are Teachers

15 videos that are built to educate young kids about agriculture. From animals, nutrition, sustainability, all the way to machinery.

view We Are Teachers
Logo: Agriculture in the Classroom

Farm Science Lab

A 40-foot mobile classroom equipped with the latest teaching technologies that are focused on STEM-based lessons. This is perfect for an event with young students.

view Farm Science Lab

Middle, Junior, and High School

Grow interest in the food and agriculture industry. 

Michigan FFA

Consider the Michigan FFA, a youth organization making a positive difference in the lives of students.  
view FFA

Michigan 4H

Offering a diverse range of topics and interest areas, 4-H is the largest youth development organization in Michigan.  
view 4H

"Think Agriculture" Ag Careers Video Series

Michigan Farm Bureau provides a great video series to learn more about careers in the food and agriculture industry. 
view Think Agriculture Series

MICareerQuest Resources

Michigan employers collaborate to create fun, interactive ways for students to engage in careers in our region’s five in-demand industries: advanced manufacturing, agribusiness, construction, health sciences, and information technology. 
view MICareerQuest

AgExplorer Educator Resources

Explore food and agriculture curriculum enhancing activities for middle, Jr, and high school aged kids. 
view AgExplorer

Virtual Field Trips

John Deere: Careers that Innovate

High depth virtual tour of the John Deere facility in Waterloo, Iowa. You will get an up-close detailed look at the manufacturing process. 
tour John Deere

STEM Careers Improving Animal Health

A virtual in depth at the available careers at Zoetis, a global animal health company.  
tour Zoetis

Technology in Agriculture: Feeding the Growing Globe

Virtual to Syngenta’s Research and Development Center to learn how analytics, chemistry, and biology are revolutionizing the way food is grown. 
tour Syngenta

The Science Behind Your Food

A virtual trip to Cargill’s Innovation Center where you can see the science and technology advances being made to revolutionize the way food is getting to your table in a safe and affordable way. 
tour Cargill

Virtual Field Trip at Ford Motor Company

Learn how the needs of agriculture effects the design and engineering of the new Ford trucks. 
tour Ford

Migrant Student Service Programs at MSU

MSU High School Equivalency Program

MSU HEP, founded in 2002, was initially funded to support agricultural and migrant farmworker communities in Michigan and surrounding areas by providing GED test preparation instruction in Spanish and English. It currently operates in three satellite sites, offering evening classes with live video instruction, making education accessible to those with work and family responsibilities. 
view HEP

MSU Identification and Recruitment Program

The Michigan State University Identification and Recruitment (MSU ID&R) Center is an integral part of the Michigan Migrant Education Program (MiMEP), providing leadership, training, and technical assistance to MiMEP programs throughout the state. The center actively identifies and supports migratory children in 63 of Michigan's 83 counties, offering educational services and access to various supportive programs to mitigate the educational disruptions caused by frequent relocations.
view MSU Identification and Recruitment

MSU La Cosecha

La Cosecha, meaning "harvest" in Spanish, is a three-year project dedicated to providing training to socially disadvantaged Latino farmers, both first-generation and next generation, to help them succeed in farming. This program is designed to benefit current Latino farmers, farm laborers, the offspring of Latino farmers and laborers, as well as Latinos with no prior farming experience who are interested in agricultural pursuits. 
view La Cosecha

National Migrant Scholars Internship Program

The National Migrant Scholars Internship (NMSI) is a program aimed at supporting College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) students nationwide by facilitating internship opportunities. 
view National Migrant Scholars Program

Post High School

Develop career tracks, interests, and a job match. 
Logo: Michigan State University

MSU Extension

Helps people improve their lives by bringing the vast knowledge of resources directly to individuals’ communities, and businesses. 
view MSU Extension
Logo: Michigan Department of Education

MDA: Career and Technical Education

The Michigan Department of Education provides technical assistance and support for the implementation and improvement of currently operating, and the development of new, career and technical education programs. 
view MDE Education
Logo: Michigan Works

MichiganWorks! Youth Services

MichiganWorks! Southeast offers youth services to individuals between the ages of 16-24 to assist with educational and employment goals. Guided by a Career Advisor, each youth will develop a unique plan to meet their goals and personal development.
view MichiganWorks!

Career Resources for Educators

4-Year Degree Programs

  • Michigan State University
  • University of Michigan – Ann Arbor
  • Michigan Technological University
  • Andrews University
  • Lake Superior State University
  • Northern Michigan University
  • University of Michigan- Flint
  • Central Michigan University
  • Western Michigan University
  • Eastern Michigan University
view 4-Year Programs

Agriculture Science Curricula

Find meaningful material to integrate into your food and agriculture science curriculum. 

American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture

A free resource that offers activities and lecture plans on agricultural subjects. 
view Farm Bureau

Michigan Agriculture in the Classroom

Provides a network and resources for educators that seek to engage their students and improve their understanding of agriculture. 
view MI Ag Classroom


A institute with a goal to impact student career readiness by empowering teachers with improved instructional practices and relevant curricula sustained by professional development. 
view CASE


A statewide network looking to empower local communities and innovators. 
view MiSTEM Network