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The Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development has several topics to choose from. Learn more about our listservs below and subscribe to the topics you're interested in. If you have any questions, please contact us

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Media Room

Press Releases - Public - Get the latest press releases from the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development. 

MDARD Public Meeting Notices - Get notified when updates are made to our Public Meeting Notices web page.

WLEB - Receive updates about how MDARD and other stakeholders are working to improve the water quality of the Western Lake Erie Basin (WLEB).

Michigan Food Safety

Food Recalls - This listserv notifies subscribers regarding recalls on food products, as well as recalls on animal feed, that affect Michigan retailers.

Cottage Food Updates - This listserv provides information to food businesses operating under the cottage food exemption of the Michigan Food Law. Cottage food businesses operate out of their home kitchens, are exempt from licensing, produce non-potentially hazardous food items that do not require time and/or temperature control for safety, and sell their products directly to consumers.

Food Safety Alliance - The Michigan Food Safety Alliance convenes Michigan's food safety partners, including industry, university and consumer representatives, state and federal agencies, legislators and commodity organizations, on a quarterly basis, to share information and discuss major public policy issues related to improving and maintaining a safe food supply for Michigan citizens. This listserv provides updates on important food safety issues affecting Michigan, the nation and the world along with information about upcoming meetings.

Produce Safety/FSMA Updates - This listserv provides information for farmers that grow, pack, hold, or harvest produce that is typically consumed raw. Messaging includes updates on the Produce Safety Rule, program activities, upcoming trainings, and resources for growers.

Food Retailers - Get updates on topics affecting Michigan's licensed food retailers, including licensing and regulatory information and updates.

Food Manufacturers - Get updates on items affecting Michigan's licensed food manufacturers, including licensing and regulatory information and updates.

Food and Ag Defense Working Group - The Michigan Food & Agriculture Protection and Defense Working Group is a diverse set of stakeholders interested in the safety and security of the food and agriculture sector.  The group provides a unique forum for interaction, with attendees from production agriculture, food processing and distribution, and retail, as well as academia and local, state, and federal government agencies. Frequent topics include traceability, intentional adulteration, and chemical and cyber security. This listserv also provides information about upcoming events.

Michigan Specialized Meat Processing Update - This listserv provides updates to meat processors and others interested in Michigan's specialized meat processing variance requirement.

Animal Health

Animal Feed - Get updates about the Commercial Feed Program, including information about licensing renewals, tonnage documents, animal feed recalls, potential legislative changes, program updates, emergency notifications, and other guidance relevant to your industry.

Animal Health Alerts - Receive information about MDARD's Animal Industry Division (AID), statements from the State Veterinarian, and alerts about animal disease situations occurring or emerging in the state of Michigan.

Animal Shelters and Animal Control Officers - Get information and reports related to animal shelter operations - including Pawgress Reports.

Avian Influenza - Receive updates and alerts about avian influenza in Michigan.

Veterinarians - Obtain specialized information related to animal health, veterinary medicine, emerging diseases, and disease events.

Plant Health

Fruit and Vegetable - Get updates about the Fruit and Vegetable Inspection Program, including information about market inspections, process inspections, Good Agriculture Practices and Good Handling practices, program updates, and other guidance relevant to the industry.

Invasive Species - Stay informed about new and updated invasive species quarantines, how to prevent the spread of invasive pests, and other regulatory updates. 

Plant Nursery and Retailers - Get information about nursery stock and production, invasive species that threaten Michigan, the Plant Health Newsletter and additional industry news.

Fertilizer and Pesticides

Certified Pesticide Applicators - Receive information relevant to certified and registered pesticide applicators, including new testing locations, recertification seminars, and industry news.

Emergency Notification for Beekeepers - Updates intended to inform beekeepers when a public health emergency, such as an outbreak of Eastern Equine Encephalitis or West Nile Virus, requires the emergency application of pesticides, typically by aircraft.

Fertilizer - Get updates about the Commercial Fertilizer Program, including information about licensing renewals, tonnage documents, fertilizer and/or soil conditioner recalls, potential legislative changes, program updates, emergency notifications, and other industry guidance.

Integrated Pest Management for Schools and Daycares – Michigan law requires schools and daycares to use integrated pest management (IPM) to ensure healthier environments for students and children to learn and play. Sign up for email updates to learn how to protect kids by using IPM practices.

Pesticide Application Business Licensees (PABL) – Get updates about topics including licensing renewals, changes to pesticide law, and industry news.

Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP) – Receive information such as new RUPs, changes to pesticide law, and industry news.


Regenerative Agriculture - Receive information about what MDARD and our partners are doing to support regenerative agriculture in Michigan.

MAEAP News & Updates - The Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) is a free voluntary program aimed at helping producers protect the environment by implementing conservation practices on their farm. Join this listserv to get the latest information on MAEAP and its partner organizations.

Migrant Labor Housing Newsletter - The Migrant Labor Housing Program is designed to ensure the safety of housing occupied by five or more migrant agricultural workers. Join this listserv to get the latest updates about housing requirements and resources.

MAEAP Verified Farms Release - The Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) is a free voluntary program aimed at helping producers protect the environment by implementing conservation practices on their farm. Join this listserv to get a list of the newly MAEAP verified farms.

Farmland Preservation - The Farmland and Open Space Preservation Program is designed to protect farmland and open space through agreements that restrict development and provides tax incentives for program participation. By enrolling farmland in the program for a minimum of 10 years, the landowner may be entitled to certain income tax benefits and the land will not be subject to special assessments for sanitary sewer, water, lights, or non-farm drain projects. To learn more about the Farmland and Opens Space Preservation Program please visit

Business Development

New Market Developer Export Newsletter - Get the International Marketing Program's bi-monthly newsletter to learn about upcoming events, current market trends, and other program activities.

Economic Development: Grants - Get informed when grants are available and to receive announcements on grant recipients.

Ag Development News - Receive the latest press releases regarding food and agriculture development.

Industrial Hemp

Industrial Hemp Updates - Receive information about the industrial hemp program, changes to laws regulated the hemp industry and guidance to hemp growers.

Michigan Craft Beverage Council

Michigan Craft Beverage Council Industry eNews - Receive the industry newsletter from the Michigan Craft Beverage Council.

Michigan Craft Beverage Council Media Releases - Get the latest press releases from the Michigan Craft Beverage Council.

Michigan Qualified Distiller Inquiries - Sign up to receive notifications related to the qualified distiller program at MDARD.