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Pesticide Notification Registry

The Pesticide Notification Registry allows someone with a physician diagnosed condition to be notified prior to a commercial pesticide application to turf or ornamental plants on adjacent properties.

This registry does not apply to mosquito control applications.

Current Pesticide Notification Registry Address Lists

Businesses and commercial applicators for 3A-turfgrass and 3B-ornamental categories can access the current year list of addresses that require prior notification to a person on the registry by clicking here to access the file.

How Can I Register for the 2026 Pesticide Notification Registry? 

To be included on the Pesticide Notification Registry, applicants must submit the following forms (these forms are available below):

  • Pesticide Notification Registry Application
  • Physician's Certification
  • Additional Properties Listing

Please submit the above forms to the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development on an annual basis. In order to be placed on the 2026 Pesticide Notification Registry, applications and supporting documents must be received no later than February 1, 2026. Find frequently asked questions and further details here.

Expires: Application must be submitted by February 1 of each year.

Fee: Free


  • Pesticide Notification Registry Letter
    This letter includes instructions for using the forms found below. 

  • Pesticide Notification Registry Application
    The application form contains the applicant's information and must include the applicant's nine-digit zip code, adjacent property address information and physician's information. Adjacent property addresses are defined as properties which share a common boundary line or corner with the property to be treated or which are directly across a residential road, stream or other right-of-way from the property to be treated. 

  • Physician's Certification
    The physician certification form regarding the patient's current medical diagnosed condition or ailment specifies the reason for the patient to be placed on the notification registry. This document must accompany the notification registry application.

  • Additional Properties Listing
    Be advised that due to a recent amendment to Act 451, Part 83, physician-recommended distance is defined as "a specific distance, not more than 100 feet from a linear boundary line, considered necessary and substantiated by a physician." This change preempts Regulation 637, Rule 5, Part 1(b) which states: "Any recommended additional distance notification deemed necessary and substantiated by the physician." This amendment, Section 8316(b) of Act 451, Part 83, was enacted on June 28, 2018, and has an effective date of September 27, 2018.

Contact Information

Tammy Martin
Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
P.O. Box 30017
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 517-243-5680
NEW Email: