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MI Power Grid

Launched in October 2019, MI Power Grid is a focused, multi-year stakeholder initiative supported by Governor Whitmer and the MPSC to maximize the benefits of the transition to clean, distributed energy resources for Michigan residents and businesses.

The MPSC recognizes that certain regulatory or compliance activities, including MI Power Grid workgroup activities, may need to be delayed or waived during the pendency of the COVID-19 crisis. In order to focus regulatory efforts during this crisis, the MPSC has issued an order modifying plans related to workgroup activity for the MI Power Grid initiative.

MPG Customer Engagement Image

Customer Engagement

Providing Michigan residents and businesses with the demand-side technologies, programs, and price signals that will allow these customers to be more active and effective participants in the state's transition to increased clean and distributed energy resources.

Innovative Rate Offerings

MPG Integrating Emerging Technologies Image

Integrating Emerging Technologies

Ensuring timely and fair grid access and appropriate information exchange to support customer-oriented solutions and reliable system operations.

Data Access & Privacy

MPG Optimizing Grid Investment Image

Optimizing Grid Investments and Performance

Integration of transmission, distribution, and resource planning to increase transparency and optimize solutions; enhancement of tools, financial incentives, and regulatory approaches to adapt to technology change and customer preferences.

Advanced Planning Processes