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Time-based Pricing

Notice: MI Power Grid meetings and all other MPSC workgroup meetings will be conducted via teleconference only until further notice. Please find remote access information for upcoming meetings on our calendar of events.

MI Power Grid Customer Engagement StampActivities for this workgroup have not yet commenced. If you wish to be notified when this workgroup becomes active, please be sure to subscribe to the listserv below.

The cost to produce electricity changes depending on the time of day, week, and year. It costs more to produce electricity on a hot summer weekday, when businesses are open and customers are using air conditioning, than it does on a cool spring weekend, when many businesses are closed and temperatures are moderate. Time-based pricing aligns utility rates with the cost to produce electricity at different times.

Actions to Date

  • DTE and Consumers Energy ordered to implement on-peak rates in previous electric rate cases

Next Steps

  • Work with Consumers Energy and DTE on implementation
  • Stakeholder workgroup to promote customer awareness

Related MPSC Case(s)

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