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About Workgroups

The MPSC has established workgroups with the purpose of investigating specific issues or developing and streamlining various regulatory activities. These workgroups can include participants from MPSC Staff, regulated utilities, industry experts, utility customers and others and are open to the public. On this page you will find information about current MPSC workgroups and about opportunities for participation.

MPSC Workgroups

Benefit-Cost Analysis Tool Collaborative

The goal of the Benefit-Cost Analysis Tool Collaborative is to assist in the development of a tool that will establish a new platform for benefit-cost analysis (BCA) for distributed energy resources (DERs).  The tool is being built by E4TheFuture, ICF, Recurve, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory project partners to align with the National Standard Practice Manual (NSPM) that will be capable of modeling Michigan’s jurisdiction-specific test (JST).

Benefit-Cost Analysis Tool Collaborative

Nuclear Feasibility Study

Public Act 166 of 2022 directed the Michigan Public Service Commission to engage an outside consulting firm to examine the feasibility of nuclear power generation in Michigan. Public Act 218 of 2022 provides for the parameters of the nuclear feasibility study. In response, on March 24, 2023, the Commission issued an order Case No. U-21358 establishing the Nuclear Feasibility Study workgroup.

View the Nuclear Feasibility Study Workgroup

Low-Income Energy Policy Board 

The Low-Income Energy Policy Board guides the work of the Energy Affordability and Accessibility Collaborative and the Energy Waste Reduction Low-Income Workgroup and connects this work to other state agencies and efforts.  With a focus on effectuating affordability, equity, access, and environmental justice, the group's goal is to connect the expertise, experience, and perspectives of members and provide recommendations to the Commission to better serve low-income and vulnerable households with their energy needs. Board membership is by invitation and meetings are open to the public.

View the Low-Income Energy Policy Board Workgroup

Energy Affordability and Accessibility Collaborative

The Energy Affordability and Accessibility Collaborative is an open, working group committed to facilitating discussion and obtaining input from a broad range of stakeholders on existing and emerging policy issues related to energy assistance, customer protections and low-income energy waste reduction services. The group's goal is to connect the expertise, experience, and perspectives of participants and provide recommendations to the Commission to better serve low-income and vulnerable households with their energy needs.

View the Energy Affordability and Accessibility Collaborative

Low Income Workgroup

The Low Income Workgroup is collaboratively working to identify and address low income specific energy issues, energy waste reduction measures, and create new initiatives that can reduce the cost of the energy burden on Michigan's low income energy consumers and communities.  With the goal of connecting and combining the expertise, experience, and perspectives of the participating groups, the workgroup is attempting to bridge gaps between program offerings, facilitate more complete delivery of energy efficiency programs, and seek opportunities to better serve low income single family residences and multifamily buildings.

View the Low Income Workgroup

Energy Optimization Collaborative

The goal of the Energy Optimization Collaborative is to make recommendations for improving energy waste reduction and efficient electrification plans for energy providers, provide program evaluation and support, and promote economic development and job creation in Michigan by connecting Michigan manufacturers, suppliers and vendors with energy waste reduction programs.

View the Energy Optimization Collaborative

Energy Waste Reduction, Demand Response, and Efficient Electrification Statewide Potential Study

Public Act 231 of 2023 requires the Michigan Public Service Commission to periodically conduct Energy Waste Reduction (EWR), Demand Response (DR), and Efficient Electrification (EFEL) potential studies to support modeling scenarios and assumptions used by electric utilities in Integrated Resource Plans filed before the MPSC.

View the EWR and DR Study Workgroup

MPSC Statewide Energy Assessment (SEA)

The Energy Assessment is a statewide review of the supply, engineering, and deliverability of natural gas, electricity, and propane systems, as well as contingency planning related to those systems. The Energy Assessment culminated with a final report published on September 11, 2019.

View the Statewide Energy Assessment Workgroup

Renewable Natural Gas Study Workgroup

Public Act 87 of 2021 directed the Michigan Public Service Commission to conduct a study into the potential for renewable natural gas development in the state.  In part, PA 87 directs the Commission to identify and engage interested stakeholders in the development of the study.  The Commission issued a report to the legislature on the Renewable Natural Gas Study on Sept. 28, 2022.

View the Renewable Natural Gas Study Workgroup

MPSC Technical Conference on Emergency Preparedness, Distribution Reliability, and Storm Response 

On August 25, 2021, the Michigan Public Service Commission (the Commission) issued an order opening MPSC Case No. U-21122 seeking to collect additional data from Michigan's investor owned utilities on several issues related to reliability work as well as seeking to better understand planning and restoration efforts related to the August 2021 storms.

View the Preparedness, Reliability, and Storm Response Workgroup

Mutual Aid Agreements and Transmission Contingency Planning Workgroup

The Mutual Aid Agreements and Transmission Contingency Planning Workgroup is collaboratively working to review and discuss the development of mutual aid agreements for all natural gas distribution utilities, and how best to facilitate the development of gas transmission contingency planning.

View the Mutual Aid Agreements Workgroup

Natural Gas Curtailment Procedures Workgroup

The Natural Gas Utility Curtailment Procedures Workgroup is collaboratively working to review and discuss whether natural gas curtailment procedures should be updated to prioritize natural gas use for residential heating over natural gas use for electric generation when appropriate during energy emergencies.

View the Natural Gas Curtailment Procedures Workgroup

Data Accessibility Stakeholder Forum

The Data Accessibility Stakeholder Forum was created to develop more refined, clear, and consistent language addressing customer data accessibility as utilities comply with billing rules particularly, R 460.153 (2) (g) which requires utilities to “provide clear instructions regarding the method by which a customer and a third party, authorized by the customer, may obtain customer usage data in a timely manner and a readily accessible format from the utility.”

View the Data Accessibility Stakeholder Forum

Demand Response Aggregation

The Commission directed Staff to work with interested stakeholders to discuss issues related to demand response aggregation.


View the Demand Response Aggregation Workgroup

Third-Party Community Energy Projects Workgroup

The MPSC Staff is leading a stakeholder engagement process to examine the potential opportunities and barriers to third-party community energy projects that could be integrated into utility planning and procurement processes.

View the Third-Party Community Energy Projects Workgroup

PURPA - Legally Enforceable Obligation

The Commission directed Staff to initiate a stakeholder process with the purpose of gathering input to assist with developing rules for defining and establishing a legally enforceable obligation (LEO) under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978.

View the Legally Enforceable Obligation Workgroup

Distributed Generation & Legacy Net Metering Rules

The Commission directed Staff to initiate a stakeholder process with the purpose of gathering input to update the Electric Interconnection and Net Metering Standards to reflect the new distributed generation program and changes in the availability of the net metering program as a result of 2016 Acts 341 and 342.

View the Distributed Generation & Legacy Net Metering Rules Workgroup

2016 Energy Legislation

Public Act 341 updated Michigan’s energy laws relating to utility rate cases, electric choice, certificate of necessity, and electric capacity resource adequacy, and established an integrated resource planning process. Public Act 342 updated Michigan’s energy laws relating to renewable energy, energy waste reduction, and distributed generation, and allows utilities to implement on-bill financing programs.

View the 2016 Energy Legislation Workgroups

MI Power Grid

MI Power Grid is a focused, multi-year stakeholder initiative supported by Governor Whitmer and the MPSC to maximize the benefits of the transition to clean, distributed energy resources for Michigan residents and businesses.

Learn More About MI Power Grid