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Cash Reimbursement

Branded Program

Food Export-Midwest offers the Branded Program, which provides qualified companies with 50% reimbursement for expenses related to international marketing activities for Michigan agriculture and food exports.

Reimbursement is available for expenses associated with: 

  • Exhibiting at international trade shows and approved trade missions, including travel for up to two company employees
  • Exhibiting at eligible trade shows in the United States
  • Certain label modifications for foreign markets, including translation of product and marketing materials
  • Advertising and promotion outside of the USA including radio, TV, billboards, print and direct mail
  • In-store promotions and product demonstrations outside of the USA
  • Public relations and seminars, such as press releases, editorial placements, and space and equipment rental
  • International Website Development
  • Freight Cost for Samples

Further information about Branded Program eligibility and the application for the Branded Program can be found at the Branded Program website.

Other Reimbursement Programs

The following food and agriculture product categories have Branded Programs of their own for international marketing activities. Further information is located at the respective websites.

Questions? Contact the International Marketing Program staff at