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ICYMI: MDARD Director Testifies Before U.S. Senate Ag Committee

Director Boring shared specialty crop insight for Farm Bill hearing

Washington, D.C. – Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) Director Tim Boring testified this week before the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry.

Director Boring was part of a panel entitled “Perspectives From the Field: Farmer and Rancher Views on the Agricultural Economy, Part 2”. Photos with proper courtesy are available online for publication.

“Since your invitation was extended for my testimony, I’ve been asked by producers to share with you just how vital specialty crop support programs are for their existence,” Director Boring shared during his opening statement. “Unfortunately, for many specialty crops, times have never been more tenuous. What once provided an avenue for farmers to diversify their products has forced many to choose whether or not their farm will welcome the next generation.”

Boring told committee members about the vital importance of public sector research, which is currently supported by Specialty Crop Block Grants, as well as the Marketing Assistance for Specialty Crops program, which helps growers expand domestic markets or develop new markets for their crops.

“For instance, last year, Michigan cherry farmers lost between 30 and 75 percent of their crop because of abnormal weather events that drove unpreceded insect and pest pressure,” Director Boring added. “Losses such as these are becoming far more common. A Farm Bill that provides growers support, such as through new research, helps ensure the continuation of their family farms in the face of these unprecedented challenges are critical for the long-term viability of specialty crops in Michigan and across the country… At a time when there so many unknowns around our trade partnerships, fostering stronger domestic markets will be critical for the success of our growers.”

Boring also highlighted MDARD programs that are seeing success in Michigan thanks to Governor Gretchen Whitmer investing state dollars in new flagship programs: MDARD’s Regenerative Agriculture Unit and the new Farm-to-Family program.  

A recording of the hearing is available on the committee’s website. Director Boring’s submitted written testimony is also available on the hearing page.

