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Report on the Status of Competition for Video Services

Based on available data gathered by the Commission through its 2024 survey:

  • Michigan providers reported 1,100,636 video/cable customers. This does not include customers of satellite providers which are not required to have franchise agreements with municipalities.
  • Overall, there are currently 2,274 franchise agreements in existence in Michigan (both individual franchise agreements entered into before the Act that have not yet expired, and the Uniform Video Service Local Franchise Agreements as required by the Act). When compared to 2023, this number increased by 68.
  • Providers reported investing over $1.7 million in the video/cable market in Michigan in 2024.
  • The MPSC made three recommendations to the legislature: changing the due date of the annual report to March 1 from February 1 to provide survey respondents more time to provide information to the MPSC; requiring providers to provide certain contact information to the MPSC; and requiring a provider to notify the Commission if it changes its name, goes out of business, or merges with another company.

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