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MPSC-Approved Indiana Michigan Power Company Electric Rate Books and Cancelled Sheets

Michigan Public Service Commission approved rate schedules, rules, regulations, and standard forms governing the distribution and sale of electricity by utilities operating in Michigan.


Indiana Michigan Power Company (American Electric Power)
Rate Book Source: Michigan Public Service Commission Rate Book Files
Rate sheets filed by utilities pursuant to a Commission Order are generally due within 30 days of the order date and posted to the website after MPSC staff review.
Current Rate Book - MPSC #18
Complete Rate Book - MPSC #18 Sheets A1 through End
Current Rate Book - MPSC #18 (in smaller files)
Sheets A1 through D Index, Territory Served, Administrative Rules Index, Special Charges, Rate Schedules, PSCR Factors
Sheets E1 through End

Retail Access Rules, Riders, Standard Forms Index

Canceled Rate Sheets From MPSC #18
(Cancelled rate sheets are sheets removed from the current rate book when revised sheets are added.)
Sheets A1.00 through D
Sheets E1 through End

Retired Rate Book and Sheets from- MPSC #17
Complete Retired Rate Book - MPSC #17 Sheets A1 through End
Retired Rate Book - MPSC #17 (in smaller files)
Sheets A1 through D Index, Territory Served, Administrative Rules Index, Special Charges, Rate Schedules, PSCR Factors
Sheets E1 through End

Retail Access Rules, Riders, Standard Forms Index

Canceled Rate Sheets from MPSC #17

Canceled Sheets from retired book #17 - A1 through D

Canceled Sheets from retired book #17 - E1 through end

As the current rate book is revised, content is occasionally shifted to different pages within the rate book. Therefore, cancelled rate sheet page numbers may not correspond to current rate book page numbers.

  • Contact for further information.
  • For FERC-approved books, see Electric Tariff Books page.
  • Rate Books may not yet reflect PSCR Factors that are pending MPSC approval.
  • Rate Books may not yet reflect changes approved by recent MPSC orders. See MPSC Electric Orders page for orders issued in past few months. To search for proposed Rate Book changes that are not yet approved, search MPSC Case Index under utility name (in quotes) using keywords such as rate, electric, tariff, and rule.
  • Rate Books include requirements based on MPSC administrative rules. See also Administrative Rules and Guidelines.