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Electric Choice Implementation

*This page presents a record of the work the Commission engaged in to implement the 2016 energy laws and that current electric choice information can be found here.


2016 PA 341 Sec. 10a(1)(a) provides that the Commission shall issue orders establishing that “except as otherwise provided in this section, provide that no more than 10% of an electric utility’s average weather-adjusted retail sales for the preceding calendar year may take service from an alternative electric supplier at any time.”

PA 341 amended Public Act 3 of 1939 and Public Act 286 of 2008. On September 29, 2009, pursuant to Public Act 286, the Commission adopted procedures, regarding the allocation of the amount of load to be served by alternative electric suppliers (AES). The Commission approved changes to these procedures pursuant to Public Act 341, which are attached as Appendix A to the April 28, 2017 order in Case No. U-15801.

Additionally, every Michigan licensed AES will be subject to the capacity demonstration and state reliability mechanism provisions outlined in Section 6w of Act 341.

Case No. U-15801
Case No. U-11915
Electric Customer Choice

Staff Lead

Heather Cantin


  • 2/22/2017: Staff circulated proposed updated procedures pursuant to PA 341 to the AESs and utilities via email soliciting informal comments and feedback with the goal of identifying any major issues/concerns before the Commission proceeded with their process of implementing the new provisions in MCL 460.10a
  • 3/10/2017: Commission order in Case No. U-15801 requesting public comment on updated electric choice procedures
  • 4/28/2017 & 5/11/2017: Commission orders in Case No. U-15801 adopting the updated electric choice procedures (Appendix A) to comply with Public Act 341
  • 6/15/2017: Commission order in Case No. U-15801 providing direction as to the implementation of the final sentence of MCL 460.10a(1)(c) which requires the Commission to reduce the cap for any electric utility serving fewer than 200,000 customers in Michigan
  • 7/15/2017: A commission order was filed in 12 dockets reducing the 10% cap for each utility to 0% through February 1, 2019
  • Total of 16 Commission orders

Additional Steps

  • Working to update the AES licensing application where it is necessary to incorporate changes made by PA 341 (which also includes updates to renewable energy plan requirements for AESs)
  • Because AESs are subject to Section 6w, review the capacity demonstration filings for each AES on an annual basis going forward

Task Reports

July 13, 2017 U-15801 Stakeholder Update Memo

May 2, 2017 U-15801 Stakeholder Update Memo

Task Meetings

No scheduled meetings at this time  

Task - Related Documents

U-15801 June 15 Commission Order - Provides direction as to the implementation of the final sentence of MCL 460.10a(1)(c)

U-15801 April 28 Commission Order - Approval of Updated Electric Choice Procedures