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MPSC continues to approve reimbursements for IP-based 911 services throughout Michigan

Media contact: Matt Helms 517-284-8300  

Customer Assistance: 800-292-9555   


The Michigan Public Service Commission today approved invoices for wireless internet protocol (IP)-based wireless call routing for Next Generation 911 (NG911) calls across the state, highlighting how these telecommunication providers ensure a critical public safety service remains available to Michiganders.

The five invoices approved today, totaling $1,421,674.28, cover services provided by Peninsula Fiber Network Next Generation Services LLC in counties across the state (Case No. U-14000). The costs being reimbursed are recoverable under the Emergency 911 Service Enabling Act (911 Act) and are related to the transport, routing, or delivery of wireless emergency services to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs).

The 911 system is designed to provide a universal, easy-to-remember number for people to reach police, fire or emergency medical assistance from any phone in any location and is a vital part of our nation’s emergency response and disaster preparedness system.

Significant technological progress has been made in transitioning the legacy 911 system in Michigan to a digital NG911 system. The National Emergency Number Association has developed and published several standards related to NG911 and Enhanced 911 services and the wireless emergency services provided adhere to those standards. According to the State 911 Committee’s 2023 Annual Report, “By the end of 2022, all of Michigan, except for one county, has either signed an agreement with an IP network provider or has fully deployed to a NG911 network.”

The above forementioned invoices will be paid to the IP-based service providers by the Michigan Department of Treasury within 30 days as required by the 911 Act. The invoices are paid from a state fee charged on monthly telephone bills.

Additional information about the 911 Telephone Emergency Access can be found on the MPSC’s 911 Consumer Tip.


Commission approves settlement agreement on DTE Electric Co. and DTE Gas Co. energy waste reduction plan

The MPSC approved a settlement agreement on DTE Electric Co.’s energy waste reduction (EWR) plan (Case No. U-21322) pursuant to Public Act 295 of 2008.

Today’s order approves a settlement agreement reached between the electric and natural gas utilities of DTE Energy and intervenors in the case: Ecology Center, National Housing Trust, Natural Resources Defense Council, the Sierra Club and the Michigan Department of Attorney General. MPSC also participated.

EWR encompasses a broad range of efforts to cut waste, improve efficiency and reduce energy use to save utility costs for customers and make energy more affordable. EWR programs saved Michiganders more than $2.75 billion in 2021 and 2022, according to the MPSC’s recent Utility Energy Waste Reduction Programs report.

Among the highlights, DTE Energy will:

  •        Perform a market assessment, identify barriers and opportunities for growing the market, and develop program design recommendations to increase customer demand for air sealing and insulation by residential and income-qualified customers.
  •        Work to increase the number of income-qualified single-family households involved in DTE Energy EWR programs that receive insulation and air sealing.
  •        Increase rebate levels for air sealing and insulation upgrades for single-family homes that are headed with electricity.
  •        Renew its Neighborhood Approach Initiative, targeting areas of high need for programs including energy efficiency assistance and weatherization.

Additional details of the EWR plan can be found in the settlement agreement in the case docket.



The MPSC today approved accounting authority for Consumers Energy Co. to create a regulatory asset or liability in two cases to defer recovery or refund for expenses required for the utility to access federal dollars through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA). In Case No. U-21493, Consumers Energy proposes a project to assess, in partnership with BP, potential options for carbon storage in Michigan serving areas of southwest Michigan and northern Indiana and Illinois. In Case No. U-21494, Consumers seeks accounting approval for hydroelectric improvement projects totaling up to $39.8 million to boost efficiency of hydroelectric generation by at least 3% and make capital improvements to hydro facilities. Exact costs in both cases are subject to change and will vary based on decisions and negotiations between the utility and the U.S. Department of Energy. Neither case would increase the cost of service to customers, and any recovery of reasonable and prudent costs would be considered in a future general rate case.



The Commission today adopted amended rules governing gas safety, sending the updated rules to the Michigan Office of Administrative Rules and Hearings for filing with the Michigan Secretary of State (Case No. U-21369). The Commission received final administrative approval of the updated rules Sept. 21 from MOAHR and the Legislative Services Bureau, and the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules did not file an objection. The rules were updated primarily to adopt by reference current federal regulations governing gas safety standards.


To look up cases from today’s meeting, access the MPSC’s E-Dockets filing system.

Watch recordings of the MPSC’s meetings on the MPSC’s YouTube channel.


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DISCLAIMER: This document was prepared to aid the public’s understanding of certain matters before the Commission and is not intended to modify, supplement, or be a substitute for the Commission’s orders. The Commission’s orders are the official action of the Commission.


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