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About the Council

The Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) is comprised of professionals from county road commissions, cities, a county commissioner, a township official, regional and metropolitan planning organizations, and state transportation department personnel. The Council reports to the Michigan Infrastructure Council and the State Transportation Commission. Council members are appointed to 3-year terms. The Center for Shared Solutions (CSS) is the central data storage agency of the Council and serves as a non-voting member. The activities of the Council are supported by the TAMC Coordinator and MDOT.

Michigan TAMC Brochure

Michigan TAMC Governing Legislation

Michigan TAMC Policies

Mission Statement

Our mission is to be a national leader in promoting asset management principles and practices, to inform investment decisions among Michigan’s transportation agencies, and to develop and support excellence in managing Michigan's transportation assets by:

  1. Advising the Legislature, State Transportation Commission (STC), Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC), and Transportation Committees
  2. Promoting asset management principles and innovation
  3. Providing tools and practices for road agencies
  4. Collaborating and coordinating with Water Asset Management Council (WAMC) and other asset owners