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Michigan Infrastructure Council

Image of Kalamazoo Michigan
Image of Kalamazoo Michigan

Michigan's 30-Year Integrated Infrastructure Strategy

The 30-Year Integrated Infrastructure Strategy is Michigan's first comprehensive infrastructure plan. MIC aims to lead the nation in an integrated approach to managing infrastructure assets by fostering collaboration between public and private infrastructure communities.

Asset Management Partners

Transportation Asset Management Council Logo

Transportation Asset Management Council

The Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) was formed under Public Act (PA) 499 of 2002 followed by several amendments. Established as an organization comprised of professionals from county road agencies, cities, township officials, regional and metropolitan planning organizations, and state transportation department personnel. The TAMC reports directly to the Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) and is a resource for the State Transportation Commission (STP) and the Michigan Legislature.

Find more TAMC information here!
Water Asset Management Council Logo

Water Asset Management Council

Michigan's Water Asset Management Council (WAMC) was created to lead, guide, and assist communities in the development and/or enhancement of their drinking water, wastewater, and storm water asset management programs. The WAMC is legislatively charged with the development of asset management templates, as well as annual reporting to the Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) on the asset condition and investment of water infrastructure across the state.
Find more WAMC information here!

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