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About the Michigan Infrastructure Council

What are you looking for?

Council Meeting Notice

Council meeting information, location, time and date, and instructions to join virtually

Council Meeting Resources and Resolutions

Council meeting agenda, minutes, and meeting packets

Meet the Members

MIC Council and Members

Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) Values

Facilitate a coordinated, holistic approach that optimizes the engagement of all who manage and use Michigan's infrastructure.

Align strategies for infrastructure management to ensure that Michigan's assets are effectively and efficiently constructed, operated, and maintained.

Provide accurate and trusted information to support effective infrastructure decisions.

Determine, recommend, and advocate for adequate funding for Michigan's infrastructure and promote effective and efficient investments to achieve maximum benefit.

Establish and document the condition of Michigan's infrastructure to identify the needs of the greatest priority

Michigan Infrastructure Logo with core values

The Michigan Infrastructure Council (MIC) was formed under Public Act 323 of 2018. The MIC is comprised of nine appointed voting members. All voting members serve 3-year terms. Five of the voting positions are appointed by the Governor, one by the Senate Majority Leader, one by the Speaker of the House, one by the Senate Minority Leader, and one by the House Minority Leader. The MIC is also comprised of nine non-voting members representing state agencies, the Water Asset Management Council (WAMC), the Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC), and the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC). Our mission is to cultivate partnerships that strengthen Michigan's Infrastructure to provide the foundation for public and environmental health, economic prosperity, and quality of life.