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Qualification and Eligibility
Can a person work part-time and still collect UI benefits?
If you are back to work but working less than full-time hours, you may be able to continue receiving unemployment benefits. However, the amount you earn will affect your weekly benefit amount (WBA). If you are working with reduced hours (underemployed), you are required to report your gross earnings (the total earnings before taxes and deductions) for each week you work when you certify for benefits. Earnings include any wages from employment or payment for personal services. You can check your MiWAM account page for the reduced payment amount.
Other types of payments that you are required to report include the value of room and board related to employment (for example, a property manager living on site that does not pay rent or utilities), vacation or holiday pay; bonus pay, severance pay and pension payments.
When special payments are reported, the Unemployment Insurance Agency determines if these payments will reduce a claimant’s benefit payment, and if so, the amount of the reduction. For special payments you will receive a determination (Form UIA 1302) with details about the reduced payment.
In general, if gross earnings or special payments for the week exceed 1.5 times your weekly benefit amount (excessive earnings), you will not be eligible for benefits for that week, including the $600 Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (PUC) payment.
To calculate your earnings for the week, multiply your hourly rate of pay by the number of hours you worked during the week (Sunday through Saturday).
When certifying each week online or by phone, be sure to answer yes when asked if you worked during a specific week. Be sure to report earnings for the week in which you performed the work, NOT the week in which you received the payment. Often times a commission cannot be attributed to being earned in a specific week. In those cases, the pay must be reported the week in which, it is paid. Report the total amount of earnings before taxes are taken out. -
Can someone who works for a non-profit file for unemployment benefits?Being entitled to unemployment benefits depends on whether or not the non-profit is registered as an employer for unemployment insurance purposes. If you are unsure, we recommend you apply to find out whether or not you’re eligible.
How does UIA define "full-time"?The law doesn't define "full-time" for unemployment benefit purposes. UIA accepts the definition of "full-time" used by the particular employer involved in the claim.
I was paid in commission/tips. How does this affect my claim?The amount of wages earned with employers prior to filing a claim are used to establish eligibility. It does not matter if the employment was full-time or part-time or paid on commission or if the wages paid were in the form of salary, hourly or tips.
If a previous claim has been paid out, will that affect my eligibility on a new claim?
If the previous weeks claimed are on the same benefit year, yes. If the weeks claimed are on a previously ended benefit year, No.
Each time you file a new claim, your unemployment benefit entitlement is established. Weeks left over from a previous claim do not carry over to a new claim.
If I worked in another state, can I file in Michigan?In order to file a combined wage claim (CWC) you must have earned wages in Michigan and one or more other states. If you choose to file a CWC claim, the wages from all states you worked in within the past 18 months must be used. Please be prepared to provide your current address and phone number; your Driver’s License or state ID number; and the names, addresses, and dates of employment for all your employers during the past 18 months.
What is a benefit year?A benefit year is the 52 week period following the date you file your claim. The maximum number of weeks of benefits you can receive in the 52 week benefit year is 20 and minimum is 14.
What is a school-denial period?Benefits are not payable to employees of education institutions (public and nonprofit), educational service agencies, and third-party contractors who provide services to an educational institution during the period between two successive academic years, or during a vacation and/or holiday recess period.