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General Questions After Filing
Are there more requirements I need to meet after I apply?Yes. Claimants must certify (report) every two weeks that they are eligible for benefits. After the first certification (which is done during the third week of unemployment) they will receive their payment in about 2-3 days, but can vary depending on circumstances. You can certify online with MiWAM 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or by phone at 1-866-638-3993 Monday - Friday; 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Can I get an extension in the number of weeks I collect?There are no extensions available in Michigan at this time. Extensions for collecting UI payments are in effect only during periods of high unemployment and only if the state or federal government take specific action to provide extended benefits.
Do I have to register for work after I have filed a claim for benefits?
Unemployed workers filing a new claim for benefits are required to register for work with Michigan Works! staff and verify their registration with either an in-person or virtual appointment.
To register for work, claimants must complete the following two steps:
· First, visit to create a job seeker profile on Pure Michigan Talent Connect.
· Second, meet with staff from a local Michigan Works! Service Center either virtually or in person at least one business day before the first certification (claimants must certify bi-weekly that they are eligible for benefits).
Claimants will receive an email confirmation when registration is complete and verified. If claimants don't meet with Michigan Works! Service Center staff to verify their registration it could prevent and/or delay the payment of unemployment benefits.
How can I find out if I was approved?
To review your Monetary Determination letter in your MiWAM account, click on the Correspondence tab. Go to Unread Letters and click on View Letters. Click on UIA 1575C - Claimant Monetary Determination. Additionally, you can find this letter under the Determination Status tab. Click on the blue Letter ID hyperlink on the left of Monetary Determination.
How do I add additional facts or documentation in my current claim?If you have additional facts or documentation concerning a pending or open non-monetary issue on your claim that you would like the Agency to have when making a determination, you can add the information by clicking on "Pending Fact Finding-Add Additional Docs" under the "Determination Status" heading in your MiWAM account.
How do I check the status of my claim?
Log into your MiWAM account and select your Claim ID number. Review the MiWAM Toolkit for more on how to navigate MiWAM.
How do I stop my claim when I return to work?
Discontinue certifying (reporting) through MiWAM or by phone through MARVIN the week you return to full-time work. Later, if you become unemployed or underemployed, you can file a claim via telephone at 1-866-500-0017 or through your MIWAM account.
How do I withdraw my claim?To withdraw your claim, you must submit a request in writing, either on paper or through MiWAM, explaining why you wish to withdraw your claim. If you submit your request on paper, please be sure to date and sign your request.
What should I do when my benefit year ends?You will need to file a new claim.
What does "Misrepresentation" mean?
Misrepresentation must be investigated when a claimant provides information that conflicts with information the Agency possesses.
- For example; Claimant files a claim stating they were laid off but their employer states they quit or the claimant had earnings in a week they claimed benefits but the claimant did not report it to MARVIN.
The issue can have three results:
- None found
- Unintentional
- Intentional (fraud)
The claimant may be required to pay back some or all benefits received.
What is an overpayment?
An overpayment occurs when you receive unemployment benefits that you are not entitled to. This could occur if you made a mistake when certifying for benefits, if you were not able or available to work, or you knowingly gave false or misleading information when filing a claim.
If you are overpaid unemployment benefits, you will receive a letter notifying you of the overpayment and how to start the repayment process. If you have been overpaid benefits and are currently employed, contact the UI Benefit Overpayment Collection Unit at 1-866-500-0017 to arrange repayment terms.
If you are still receiving unemployment benefits while you have an overpayment, 50 percent (or 100 percent if fraud was involved) of your weekly unemployment benefits will be taken for repayment (this is called recoupment).
Interest on overpayments is one percent per month. Interest accrues daily and will continue to accrue until the total amount due is paid.
Failure to repay benefits improperly received can also result in:- Garnishment of your wages.
- Your Federal and State of Michigan income tax refunds can be taken to pay the debt.
- Lottery winnings you claim in excess of $1,000 may be intercepted.
- Your claim being referred for criminal prosecution as a felony.
- You may not be able to receive future benefit payments.
What is the benefits rights and responsibility letter?
The Benefits Rights and Responsibility Reminder letters are informational only, to remind you of your rights and responsibilities during your Unemployment benefit year. These letters are sent out to everyone at one month and again at six months after your first payment was issued. No response is required on your part.
Where can I find additional community resources?
There are a number of resources available, including:
Where can I get help with my unemployment benefits if I have additional questions?
If you have a question or problem with your claim, call our toll free customer service line at 1-866-500-0017; TTY customers call -1-866-366-0004
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.You may also schedule an appointment to speak with a Customer Service Agent. Select the date, time, and type of appointment you would like to schedule.
- Telephone appointments and virtual appointments are available for customers with specific claim issues.
- Virtual appointments utilizing voice to text closed captioning are available for customers who are deaf or hard of hearing.
- Local offices are open by appointment only.
Where can I mail forms or documents to?
Please upload your forms or documents to you MiWAM account, or they can be mailed to the UIA at:
Grand Rapids MI, 49501-0169
or fax forms or documents to Unemployment at 517-636-0427.
Why didn't I receive my full benefit payment this week?
One reason could be because you had excessive earnings for the week you are claiming benefits.
Excessive earnings are when your wages for that week equal or exceed your Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA). In order to receive unemployment benefits your earnings cannot exceed 1.5 times your weekly benefit amount. To calculate your earnings for the week multiply your hourly rate of pay by the number of hours you worked during the week (Sunday through Saturday).
If you are earning income from a part time job or are still working, but with reduced hours (underemployed), you are required to report gross earnings for each week you work and certify for benefits. You must report your total gross earnings (before your taxes are taken out), for the week in which you performed the work, NOT the week in which you received the payment.
Other reasons that you could have earnings include vacation pay, pension or retirement, bonus pay, holiday pay or severance pay.
When certifying each week online or by phone, be sure to answer yes when asked if you worked during a specific week. Then report your total earnings (gross pay) before deductions. -
Why investigate my separation from my previous employer?Under the Michigan Employment Security Act, all employers whom you have worked for in the past 18 months are responsible for a percentage of your unemployment benefits. Therefore, each employer is a responsible and interested party on your claim for benefits. An investigation must be conducted to determine your qualification for benefits. To protect your rights to benefits, please continue to certify (report) using your MiWAM account or by telephone through MARVIN.
Why was I not given a payment amount?If this happens, it is usually because UIA doesn't have all the information in your file that it needs. It could be that there is a decision about your claim that is pending or that your answer to a question prompted the need for additional information.